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1、L isten to This 2 听;b文本目 录Lesson 1.2Lesson 2.8Lesson 3.13Lesson 4.19Lesson 5.26Lesson 6.30Lesson 7.34Lesson 8.40Lesson 9.46Lesson 10.51Lesson 11.54Lesson 12.59Lesson 13.64Lesson 15.73Lesson 16.错误!未定义书签。Lesson 17.错误!未定义书签。Lesson 18.错误!未定义书签。Lesson 20.错误!未定义书签。-page 1 -2Lesson 1 Th is Is Your Lif e is
2、 one of th e most popuJ ar programmes on British and Americ an tel evision.Every week a f amous person is invited to a tel evision stud io,with out knowing th at h e or sh e wil l b e th e sub jec t of th e programme.Th e c ompere meets th e person outsid e th e stud io and says Th is is your l if e
3、!,Th e person th en moets f riend s and rel atives f rom h is or h er past and present.Stud io 4 is wh ere th e programme is rec ord ed.Th e programme b egins at eigh t o c l oc k.Its 6:45 now and th e d irec tor is c h ec king th e preparations with h is new prod uc tion assistant(P A),Th e sub jec
4、 t of tonigh t,s sh ow wi11 b e an ac tor,Jason Dougl as.Th e c ompare,as usual,wil l b e Terry Donovan.Direc tor:Let,s just c h ec k th e arrangements.Were b ringing Jason Dougas h ere in a stud io c ar一h e th inks h e,s c oming to a d isc ussion programme!Th e d river h as b een tol d to arrive at
5、 exac tl y 7:55.Now,th e programme b egins at eigh t oc l oc k.At th at time Jason wil l b e wal king to th e stud io.Terry Donovan wil l start h is introd uc tion at 8:01,and Jason wil l arrive at 8:02.Terry wil l meet h im at th e stud io entranc e Camera 4 wil l b e th ere.Th en h e 11 take h im
6、to th at seat.It?11 b e on Camera 3.Jason wi 11 b e sitting th ere d uring th e wh ol e programme.For most of th e sh ow Terry wi 11 b e stand ing in th e mid d l e,and h e11 b e on Camera 2,Th e guests wil l c ome th rough th at d oor,tal k to Terry and Jason and th en sit over th ere.Direc tor:Now
7、,is th at al l c l ear?P A:Yes th ere5 s just one th ing.Direc tor:Wel l,wh at is it?P A:Wh os going to l ook af ter th e guests d uring th e sh ow?Direc tor:P aul ine is.P A:And wh ore wi11 th ey b e waiting d uring th e sh ow?Direc tor:In Room 401,as usual.P aul ine wil l b e waiting with th em,an
8、d sh el l b e watc h ing th e sh ow on th e monitor.Sh e11 tel 1 th em two minutes b ef ore th ey enter.P A:I th ink th ats everyth ing.Terry:Good evening and wel c ome to Th is is Your Lif e.Th is is Terry Donovan speaking.Were waiting f or th e sub jec t of tonigh t5 s programme.Hes one of th e wo
9、rl d s l ead i ng ac tors,and h e th inks h es c oming h ere to take part in a d isc ussion programme I c an h ear h im now yes,h ere h e is!Jason Dougl as.Th is is your l if e!Jason:Oh,no.I d ont b el ieve it!Not me.Terry:Yes,you!Now c ome over h ere and sit d own.Jason,you were b orn at numb er 28
10、 Bal ac l ava Street in East Ham,Lond on on Jul y 2nd,1947.You were one of six c h il d ren,and your f ath er was a taxi d river.Of c ourse,your name was th en Grah am Smith.Terry:Now,d o you know th is voic e?I rememb er Jason wh en h e was two.He used to sc ream and sh out al l d ay.Jason:Susan!Te
11、rry:Yes al 1 th e way f rom Syd ney,Austral ia Sh e f l ew h ere spec ial Ly f or th is programme.Its your sister,Susan Fraser!Jason:Susan Wh y d id nt you tel l me oh,th is is wond erf ul!2Listen to This 2 听力文本Terry:Yes,you h avent seen eac h oth er f or 13 years take a seat next to h im,Susan.You
12、started sc h ool at th e age of f ive,in 1952,and in 1958 you moved to Lane End Sec ond ary Sc h ool.Terry:Do you rememb er th is voic e?!Smith!Stop l ooking out of th e wind ow!JJason:Oh,no!Its Mr.Hooper!Terry:Your Engl ish teac h er,Mr.Stanl ey Hooper.Was Jason a good stud ent,Mr.Hooper?Mr.Hooper:
13、Eh?No,h e was th e worst in th e c l ass b ut h e was a b ril l iant ac tor,even in th ose d ays.He c oul d imitate al 1 th e teac h ers?Terry:Th ank you,Mr.Hooper.You c an speak to Jason,l ater.Wel l,you went to th e Lond on Sc h ool of Drama in 1966,and l ef t in 1969.In 1973 you went to Hol l ywo
14、od.Terry:Do you know th is voi c e?Hi Jason Can you ri d e a h orse yet?,Jason:Maria!Terry:Maria Montrose wh os c ome f rom Hol l ywood to b e with you tonigh t.Maria:Hel l o,Jason its great to b e h ere.Hel l o,Terry.Jason and I were in a movie togeth er in 1974.Jason h ad to l earn to rid e a h or
15、se Wel l,Jason d oesnt l ike h orses very muc h.Jason:Like th em!Im terrif ied of th em!Maria:Anyway,h e prac tised f or two weeks.Th en h e went to th e d irec tor it was Ch arl es Orson and said,1 Wh at d o you wan t me to d o?Ch arl es said,I want you to f al l of f th e h orse.Jason was f urious
16、.Ue said,Wh at?Fal l of f!Ive b een prac tising f or two weeks.I c oul d f al l of f th e f irst d ay with out any prac tic e!5Interviewer:Good morning,sir.Im f rom rad io station QRX,and I wond er if youd mind answering a f ew questions f or our survey tod ay.Dav id:Uh sure,wh y not?Interviewer:Wh
17、ats your name?David:Uh,my name is David George.Interviewer:David,wh at d o you d o f or a 1iving?David:I*m a prof essional b aseb al l pl ayer.Interviewer:Real l y?Dav id:Mm-h mui.Interviewer:Th ats terrif ic.Wh at d o you d o f or f un?David:Wel l,I l ike to read th e c l assic s一you know,Dic kens,
18、Sh akespeare,uh b ooks l ike th at.-page3 一4Interviewer:Fab ul ous.And wh ats th e most exc iting th ing th ats h appened to you rec entl y?David:Just c al l me Dad.My wif e and I.uh h ad our f irst b ab y.Interviewer:Oh,(Yeah.A l ittl e girl.)th ats wond erf ul.David:Mm-h mm.Interviewer:Wh o d o yo
19、u ad mire most in th is worl d?David:Wel l,I ad mire my wif e.uh .sh es terrif ic.Sh e5 s going to b e a great moth er,great moth er.Interviewer:Terrif ic.Wh at d o you want to b e d oing f ive years f rom now?David:Wel l,uh .f ive years f rom now I5 d l ike to b e a f ath er of f ive.Id l ike to h
20、ave l ots of kid s around th e h ouse.Interviewer:Th ats f ab ul ous.David:Yeah.Interviewer:Th anks very muc h f or tal king to us,David.David:Wel l,th ank you.Interviewer:Good morning.Im f rom rad io station QRX,and I wond ered if youd mind answering a f ew questions tod ay f or our survey.Suzanne:
21、Not at al l.Interviewer:Wh ats your name?Suzanne:Suzanne Brown.Interviewer:Suzanne,wh at d o you d o f or a 1iving?Suzanne:a l awyer.Interviewer:A l awyer?And wh at d o you d o f or f un?Suzanne:1 l ike to run.Interviewer:Uh-h uh.Running,1 ikc一Suzanne:Jogging.Interviewer:Jogging.And wh ats th e most
22、 exc iting th ing th ats h appened to you rec entl y?Suzanne:I got to run in th e Boston Marath on.Interviewer:Congratul ations.And wh o d o you ad mire most in th e worl d?Suzanne:Oh,wel l,Id h ave to say Martin Luth er King,Jr.Interviewer:Mmm,yes.And wh at d o you want to b e d oing f ive years f
23、rom tod ay?4L isten to This 2 听力文本Suzanne:Wel l,d are I say win th e Boston Marath on?Interviewer:Wond erf ul.Th anks a l ot f or tal king to us tod ay,Suzanne.Suzanne:Youre wel c ome.Interviewer:Good morning,sir.Im f rom rad io station QRX,and I wond er if you c oul d answer a f ew questions f or o
24、ur survey th is morning.Ad ol f o:Oh,yes,yes.Interviewer:Wh ats your name?Ad ol f o:My name is Ad ol f o Vasquez.Interviewer:Ad ol f o,wh at d o you d o f or a l iving?Ad ol f o:r i n a d anc er.Interviewer:A d anc er.And wh at d o you d o f or f un?Ad ol f o:I watc h uh .music al movies.Interviewer
25、:Music al movies.And wh ats th e most exc iting th ing th ats h appened to you rec entl y?Ad ol f o:Oh,ab out six years ago I moved to United States,(Uh-h uh.)and th ats quite exc iting f or me.Interviewer:Yes,th at is very exc iting.Wh at d o you-wh o d o you ad mire most in th e worl d?Ad ol f o:I
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