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1、早安心语正能量中英文句子早安正能量英文句子 如果你不放开你身后的过去,你就没办法到达你面前的未来。早安! If you dont let go of the past behind you, you cant get to the future in front of you. good morning! 日益努力,而后风生水起,众生皆苦,你也不能认输。早安! If you work hard, you cant admit defeat. good morning! 梦想就像是一条路,只要你肯去走,就一点会走到终点。早安! Dream is like a road, as long as y
2、ou are willing to go, it will come to the end. good morning! 假如你知道自己这样做并没有错的话,那么,你就继续做下去。早安! If you know youre not wrong in doing this, then go ahead. good morning! 忘掉失败,不过要牢记失败中的教训。早安! Forget about failure, but remember the lessons of failure. good morning! 如果你不努力,也许连失败的资格都没有。早安! If you dont work h
3、ard, you may not even have the qualification to fail. good morning! 人生只有回不去的过去,没有过不去的当下。早安! There is only the past that cant go back in life, and there is no present that cant be passed. good morning! 很多事情努力了未必有结果,但是不努力却什么改变也没有。早安! A lot of things may not work out, but if you dont work hard, nothing
4、 will change. good morning! 不要去争取属于别人的东西,否则,费的力越多,得到的越少。早安! Dont strive for what belongs to others. Otherwise, the more effort you spend, the less you get. good morning! 成功路上,非死即伤。不是境况造就人,而是人造就境况。早安! On the road to success, either death or injury. It is not circumstances that make people, but man-ma
5、de circumstances. good morning! 愿你成为自己喜欢的样子,不抱怨,不将就,有野心,有光芒!早安! Wish you to be the way you like, not complaining, not settling, ambitious, brilliant! good morning! 用乐观的心情做事,用善良的心肠待人。早安!周末愉快! Do things with an optimistic mood and treat others with kindness. good morning! Have a great weekend! 乐成的规则极为
6、大略,但大略并不代表容易。早安! The rules of success are very rough, but rough doesnt mean easy. good morning! 早安噢!每天打扮的优雅从容再出门,给自己带上不同的笑容! Good morning! Dress elegantly and leisurely every day, and bring a different smile to yourself! 生活就像海洋,只有意志坚强的人,才能到达彼岸。早安! Life is like the ocean. Only the strong willed can r
7、each the other shore. good morning! 如果心胸不似海,又怎能有海一样的事业。早安! If the mind is not like the sea, how can we have the same cause as the sea. good morning! 只有走完平凡的路程,才能达到伟大的目标。早安。 Only through the ordinary journey can we achieve great goals. good morning. 如果你不止一次梦想一件事,那它肯定会成真的。早安! If you dream of one thing
8、 more than once, it will come true. good morning! 但伟大的艺术不是刀枪,它出于善,趋向于纯粹。早安。 But the great art is not a knife and a gun. It comes from goodness and tends to be pure. good morning. 尽可能的开心地活每一天,就好比今天是你生命的最后一天。早安! Live every day as happily as possible, as if today were your last. good morning!励志早安心语正能量英
9、文文案 因为有你,这个冬天有了浪漫,一切都很温暖。 Because of you, this winter has romance, everything is very warm. 新的步伐,新的格调。 New pace, new style. 愿你健康相伴,快乐相随。 Wish you health and happiness. 天冷穿上能御寒,祝你健康到永远! I wish you health forever! 祝你在这寒冷的季节身体安康,快乐每一天! I wish you good health and happy every day in this cold season! 开心自
10、在,幸福快乐。 Happy and comfortable, happy and happy. 愿忙碌的你幸福快乐开心健康! Wish you happy, happy and healthy! 一祝身体健康,二祝家人平安,三祝财运连连。 I wish you good health, your familys safety, and your fortune. 健康一点点,平安更如意。 A little bit of health, more peace. 天气冷了,愿你保持愉快的心情,幸福安康。 Its cold. May you keep a happy mood and be happ
11、y. 祝愿你身体健康,一生幸福! Wish you good health and happy life! 牙痛的时候,才知道:大鱼大肉摆在面前也没用。 When toothache, just know: big fish big meat put in front of also useless. 早睡早起身体好,万事如意齐家欢。 Early to bed, early to rise, good health, everything goes well with the family. 祝你身体健康,平安幸福。 I wish you good health, peace and happ
12、iness. 早上好!新的一天,愿你健康又如意,一切都顺利! good morning! In the new day, I wish you good health and all the best! 保暖了,御寒了,饭一定要吃热了。 Keep warm and keep out the cold. The rice must be hot. 好好感受生活的乐,因为转瞬就即逝! Feel the joy of life, because its fleeting! 早上好,一声牵挂,一生朋友!祝我们的友情永不变,友谊无限。 Good morning, a concern, life frie
13、nd! I wish our friendship will never change and will never change. 每一次的真诚,我们不需要寻找,只需要感受。 Every time the sincerity, we do not need to look for, just need to feel. 冬季不一定是冷的,多穿点就好了。 Its not necessarily cold in winter, just wear more. 糖果的味道,甜蜜朋友心间;祝福的问候,温暖朋友身心。 The taste of candy, sweet friend heart; bl
14、essing greetings, warm friends body and mind. 接一生平安健康,幸福安康,家人平安健康。 After a lifetime of peace and health, happiness and health, family safety and health. 给你一个微笑,愿你健康消愁。 Ill give you a smile and wish you health and sorrow. 真诚的祝愿带给远方的你,愿你事事顺心快乐相随。 Sincere wishes to bring you far away, I wish you all th
15、e best and happiness. 祝大家身体健康,万事如意,家庭幸福! I wish you all good health, good luck and happy family! 励志早安心语正能量英文朋友圈 万千不舍,离别祝好,未来一帆风顺! Never give up, goodbye, wish good luck in the future! 祝愿友友健康好运和幸福到永远。 Wish you good health, good luck and happiness forever. 祝快乐伴你身旁,吉祥如意随你徜徉! I wish you happiness and go
16、od luck! 愿灿烂的阳光属于你,祝你和你至亲天天快乐。 May the bright sunshine belong to you. I wish you and your close relatives a happy day. 愿,每天彩虹依旧。 May the rainbow be the same every day. 秋风送福,福气福份福来到。 The autumn wind brings happiness, and happiness comes. 祝你生活不单调,幸福又美满! I wish you life is not monotonous, happy and hap
17、py! 清新的空气,清晰的你,愉快的心情笼罩你。 Fresh air, clear you, happy mood envelop you. 春雨浇艳协助花,你我共赢天下。 Spring rain pour Yan help flowers, you and I win the world. 愿吉祥对你格外关照,幸福对你永远微笑。 May auspiciousness take special care of you and happiness will always smile on you. 让一句祝福,为你送上知心的暖阳。 Let a blessing, for you to send
18、a bosom friend warm sun. 祝你平安快乐永甜蜜,幸福属于你。 I wish you peace and happiness forever sweet, happiness belongs to you. 祝你幸运之星照又罩,幸福吉星高照。 I wish you a lucky star and happiness. 愿你常开心,常欣喜,有趣有盼,无灾无难。 May you always be happy, always happy, interesting and hopeful.愿我们心灵相牵,陶醉在这开心的乐园里! May our hearts be linked
19、together, intoxicated in this happy paradise! 问候你,是我真诚的心音。 Greeting you is my sincere heart sound. 只要你一直往前走,幸福会一直跟着你的! As long as you go forward, happiness will always follow you! 愿我们在彼此看不到的地方,熠熠生辉。 May we shine where we cant see each other. 不管今天明天,都愿你幸福每一天。 No matter today or tomorrow, I wish you h
20、appiness every day. 祝友友工作生活皆顺利,幸福吉祥永安康。 I wish you all the best in your work and life, happiness, good luck and good health. 希望您健康平安幸福快乐! I hope you are healthy, safe, happy and happy! 委托快乐,为你制作热流。 Entrust happiness to make heat flow for you. 愿我暖暖的祝福带给你,欢乐无限,幸福无数。 May my warm blessing bring you endl
21、ess happiness. 愿你心情美好灿烂,生活舒心。 Wish you a good mood and a happy life. 愿你尝尽人间甘甜,幸福遂愿! May you taste the sweetness of the world and wish you happiness! 愿你困顿时,有臂膀靠依。 May you have arms to lean on when you are in trouble. 祝你快乐,愿你健康相伴,幸福通行! Wish you happiness, wish you health accompany, happiness pass! 祝你天天开心,好运连连。 I wish you happiness and good luck every day. 送上开心,把笑容留住。 Send happiness, keep the smile. 远方的朋友,愿健康和快乐永远伴随着你! Friends from afar, wish you health and happiness forever!11