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1、英文美文短句励志语录英文美文短句励志语录 1、嫉妒的起点,是人们对自身脆弱的隐忧。 The starting point of jealousy is peoples worries about their own vulnerability. 2、对身边的人好一点吧,总有一天你们会因为各种原因而分离的。 Be nice to the people around you. One day you will be separated for various reasons. 3、努力是应该的,是最不应该被强调的。 Efforts should be made and should not be
2、emphasized. 4、不要去责怪泼你冷水的人,他们没有错。 Dont blame the people who pour cold water on you. They are not wrong. 5、人的一生不能虚度,做自己能够做的事才是有趣又有用的人生。 Peoples life can not be wasted, do what they can do is an interesting and useful life. 6、用漫不经心的态度,过随遇而安的生活。 With a casual attitude, live a happy life. 7、青春就是即使一边受伤,另一
3、边也要学会坚强。 Youth is to learn to be strong even if one side is hurt. 8、去岁荆南梅似雪,今年蓟北雪如梅。 Last year, the plum in Jingnan was like snow, but this year it was like plum in North China. 9、无论成败,我们都有理由为自己喝彩! No matter the success or failure, we have reason to cheer for ourselves! 10、热忱是推销成功的最大要素,也是唯一要素。 Enthu
4、siasm is the biggest and only factor of success in sales promotion. 11、在人的幻想和成就中间有一段空间,只能靠希望来通过。 There is a space between mans fantasy and achievement, which can only be passed by hope. 12、你知道,幸福不仅仅是吃饱穿暖,而是勇敢的战胜困难。 You know, happiness is not just to eat and wear warm, but to overcome difficulties br
5、avely. 13、既然选择远方,就注定风雨兼程。 Since the choice of distant, is doomed to wind and rain. 14、再黑的夜,也会走到尽头的一刻。 No matter how dark the night is, it will come to an end. 15、年轻时行为不端,成年后一定没有出息。 He who behaves unfairly in his youth will certainly have no future in adulthood. 16、梦想很娇贵,得先向现实妥协,然后才有资格谈梦想。 Dreams are
6、 very delicate. You have to compromise with reality before you are qualified to talk about dreams. 17、人世间最大的财富,便是年轻和健康。 The greatest wealth in the world is youth and health. 18、风起云涌,出水蛟龙,独我八班,傲视群雄。 Wind and clouds, water dragon, only I eight classes, proud of the group. 19、只要有信心,努力,一切可以改变。 As long a
7、s you have confidence and work hard, everything can be changed. 20、接受起伏,不抱怨,让生活变好,是一个成年人永远的责任。 Accept ups and downs, do not complain, make life better, is an adults eternal responsibility. 21、苦和甜来自外界,坚强则来自内心,来自一个的人自我努力。 Bitter and sweet from the outside, strong from the heart, from a persons own eff
8、orts. 22、摔跤了,不要哭,再爬起来,站直一笑,拍拍尘灰,继续奔跑。 If you fall down, dont cry, get up again, stand straight and smile, pat the dust, and keep running. 23、劳动和人,人和劳动,这是所有真理的父母亲。 Labor and man, man and labor, these are the parents of all truth. 24、成功的路总不是一帆风顺,坚持自己,勇敢地前行吧! The road to success is not always plain sai
9、ling. Stick to yourself and move forward bravely! 25、一些路,没有人陪你,只能自己硬着头皮去走。 Some roads, no one to accompany you, can only go their own head. 26、如果你觉得现在走的辛苦,那就证明你在走上坡路。 If you think its hard to walk now, it proves that you are going uphill. 27、那个在你体内扎根的,与生俱来的梦想。 The dream thats rooted in your body. 28
10、、人有恒心万事成,人无恒心万事崩。 If a man has perseverance, everything will succeed; if he has no perseverance, everything will collapse. 29、只比你努力一点的人,其实已经甩你很远! Only a little harder than you, in fact, has dumped you far away! 30、体悟每天都是生命最好的一刻,才能算是了解人生的人。 Only when you realize that every day is the best moment of l
11、ife can you be regarded as one who understands life. 31、苦和甜来自外界,坚强则来自内心,来自一个人的自我努力。 Bitterness and sweetness come from the outside, while firmness comes from the inner world and comes from ones own efforts. 32、不会从失败中找寻教训的人;他们的成功之路是遥远的。 People who dont learn from failure; they have a long way to go.
12、33、能付出爱心就是福,能消除烦恼就是慧。 To give love is happiness, to eliminate trouble is wisdom. 34、少年你还年轻,为你以后奋斗吧! Young you are still young, for your future struggle! 35、一个人的心态,会支撑你一路的发展。 A persons mentality will support your development all the way. 36、别和我说对不起,对不起只能换来你的安心,而非我的释然。 Dont tell me Im sorry, I can onl
13、y exchange your peace of mind, not my relief. 37、缓慢且坚定,更多的精彩才刚刚开始。 Slow and firm, more exciting is just beginning. 38、从工作里爱了生命,就是通彻了生命最深的秘密。 To love life from work is to penetrate the deepest secret of life. 39、正因为理想和现实有差距,人们才会珍惜理想。 It is because of the gap between ideal and reality that people will
14、 cherish ideals. 40、听不得别人的劝告,纵然自身实力非凡,结果也是一败涂地。 Can not listen to other peoples advice, even if their own strength is extraordinary, the result is also a total failure. 41、人生没有彩排,好好珍惜现在,把握生命中的一分一秒。 There is no rehearsal in life. Cherish the present and grasp every minute of life. 42、很多东西就像是指缝间的阳光,温暖
15、,美好,却永远无法抓住。 A lot of things are like the sunshine between fingers, warm and beautiful, but can never be grasped. 43、命运在你自己的手里,而不在别人的嘴里! Destiny is in your own hands, not in other peoples mouth! 44、士搏出惊涛骇流而不沉沦,懦夫在风平浪静也会溺水。 A coward will not drown in the storm. 45、遇到困难时,咱们要用自信战胜困难,战胜自我。 When we encou
16、nter difficulties, we should overcome them with confidence and overcome ourselves. 46、只有登上山顶,才能看到那边的风光。 Only when you get to the top of the mountain can you see the scenery there. 47、诚实是雄辩能力的一部分;我们因自己热切诚恳,而使别人信服。 Honesty is part of eloquence; we convince others by our own eagerness and sincerity. 48
17、、与其在意别人的背叛和不善,不如经营自己的尊严和美好。 Its better to manage your own dignity and beauty than to care about the betrayal and bad of others. 49、宁可在尝试中失败,也不在保守中成功! It is better to fail in attempt than to succeed in conservatism! 50、命运不会去偏爱谁,就要看你能够追逐多久,坚持多久。 Fate will not favor who, it depends on how long you can
18、chase and how long you persist. 51、自己走的路,即使跪着也要走完。生命不息,进取不止。 Even if you kneel down, you have to finish your own journey. Life goes on and on. 52、劳动是财富之父,土地是财富之母。 Labor is the father of wealth, and land is the mother of wealth. 53、逃避没用,你总要学会一个人长大。 Its no use escaping. You have to learn to grow up al
19、one. 54、以挫败为笔,痛苦为墨,书写坚强的人生。 Write a strong life with frustration as pen and pain as ink. 55、最暗的夜,才会看见最美的星光,人生亦是如此。 The darkest night, will see the most beautiful stars, life is also the same. 56、星星在哪里都是很亮的,就看你有没有抬头去看他们。 The stars are bright everywhere. It depends on whether you look up to see them. 57、人不仅要知道自己生命的坐标,更要知道自己生命的轨迹。 People should not only know the coordinates of their own lives, but also know the trajectory of their own lives. 58、人为某事而诞生,并不是为无所事事而诞生。 Born for something, not for doing nothing.9