【新课标全国卷】二 《阅读理解说明类》——2022届高考英语考点剖析精创卷.pdf
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《【新课标全国卷】二 《阅读理解说明类》——2022届高考英语考点剖析精创卷.pdf》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《【新课标全国卷】二 《阅读理解说明类》——2022届高考英语考点剖析精创卷.pdf(16页珍藏版)》请在淘文阁 - 分享文档赚钱的网站上搜索。
1、【新课标全国卷】专 题 二 阅读理解说明类专练一一2022届高考英语考点剖析精创专题卷考点0 1:主旨大意题考点0 2:细节理解题考点0 3:推理判断题考点0 4:词义猜测题一、Theres m o re eviden ce that w hats go o d fo r yo ur heart is go o d fo r yo ur head.A n ew study sho w s that p eo p l e w ho run,sw im o r do o ther m o derate in ten sity(中等强度)ex ercise have brain s that l o
2、 o k,o n average,1 0 years yo un ger than the brain s o f co uchp o tato es.0 ur study sho w ed that fo r o l der p eo p l e,gettin g m o derate in ten sity ex ercise m aybe p ro tective,hel p in g them k eep their brain s w o rk better,“said Dr.Cl in to n W right o fthe Un iversity o f Miam i,w ho
3、l ed the study.But its n o t n ecessaril y easy.W al k in g,go l f,bo w l in g an d yo ga do n,t co un t,an d p eo p l e n eed to start befo re they begin sho w in g m em o ryl o ss,W rights team rep o rted in the j o urn al N euro l o gy.The study o f n earl y 90 0 p eo p l e w ho ex ercise regul a
4、rl y sho w ed that 90 p ercen t fel lin to the l o w-in ten sity gro up.These p eo p l e are p art o f a l arger gro up tak in g p art in abigger study cal l ed N o rthern Man hattan S tudy.They w ere ask ed ho w l o n g an d ho w o ften theyex ercised durin g the p ast tw o w eek s.Five years l ate
5、r,they w ere tested fo r m em o ry an dthin k in g sk il l s an d go t a brain MR I.S even years after that,they to o k the m em o ry an dthin k in g tests again.The 1 0 p ercen t w ho said they to o k p art in m o derate in ten sity ex ercisesco red better o n the tests.These in cl uded run n in g,
6、cl im bin g,sw im m in g,ridin g bicycl es an dso o n.fo un d that tho se w ith m o derate in ten sity activity had higher sco res an d sl o w erdecl in e than in active p eo p l e w hen co m p arin g the resul ts,the study team w ro te.Man y studies have sho w n that ex ercise m ay n o t p reven t
7、Al zheim ers disease but m aydel ay it.The fin din gs fit in w ith a study that fo un d tw o years o f ex ercisin g,eatin gheal thier fo o d an d brain train in g can p ro m o te p eo p l e*s m em o ry fun ctio n.1.Whats true about the study?A.Most people surveyed took low-intensity exercise.B.Only
8、900 people took part in the bigger study.C.High-intensity exercise is better.D.Ten people scored best on the tests.2.How did the study team come to the conclusion?A.By observing people exercise.B.By using examples.C.By making a comparison.D.By doing a brain MRI.3.What do we know from the last paragr
9、aph?A.Exercise will definitely strengthen people*s memory.BAlzheimers disease may be held back by moderate intensity exercise.C.Exercise can put off the beginning of memory decline.D.The findings fit in with the study of healthy food.4.What,s the best title for this passage?A.How to keep healthy.B.W
10、ays to make your brain work better.C.To exercise or not.D.Moderate intensity exercise keeps your brain younger.二、Like clockwork,nearly every fourth February includes one extra day.February 29th,also known as Leap Day(闰日),isnt exactly a holiday.Instead,its there to keep yourcalendar consistent with t
11、he earths rotation(旋转)around the sun.According to history,Roman emperor Julius Caesar is the“father of Leap Year.Untilhe came along,people had used a 355-day calendar,which was 1 0.25 days shorter than thesolar year(太阳年).Roman officials were supposed to add an extra month every now and thento keep t
12、he seasons exactly where they should be.But that didn,t work out all that well.When special occasions started shifting into different seasons around 45 BCE,Caesarconsulted experts and then announced that the Roman empire should use a 1 2-month,365-daycalendar,which he named after himself.Caesars Jul
13、ian calendar included a Leap Day everyfour years.Tho ugh Leap Day k eep s yo ur cal en dar in l in e w ith the earth,s ro tatio n aro un d the sun,it causes a differen t k in d o f p ro bl em fo r l eap sters.W hen sho ul d these February 2 9th babiescel ebrate their birthdays durin g the o ther thr
14、ee-quarters o f their l ives?S o m e p arty o nFebruary 2 8th,w hil e o thers p refer a tw o 一 day cel ebratio n that sp an s the l ast day o fFebruary an d the first day o f March.Leap Day can be a n uisan ce in the l egal system.In 2 0 0 6,a co urt in US A w as decidin gw hether crim in al Jo hn M
15、el o co ul d be set free tw o days earl y sin ce his 1 0-year sen ten ce(判开!J)in cl uded tw o Leap Days.In the case,the j udge decided that sin ce the m an w as sen ten cedto p riso n fo r years,n o t days.Leap Day didn t m ak e a bit o f differen ce.Tho ugh a few tim ek eep ers have p ushed fo r ca
16、l en dars that do n t in cl ude Leap Day,al m o stal l ex p erts an d so cieties agree that Leap Day is the best m etho d to k eep the cal en dar o ntrack.1.W hy w as Leap Day created?A.To k eep p ace w ith the so l ar year.B.To k eep track o f al l the seaso n s.C.To cel ebrate sp ecial o ccasio n
17、s.D.To ho n o r Em p ero r Jul ius Caesar.2.W hat is the p ro bl em w ith the birthday cel ebratio n o f February 2 9th babies?A.It is so m etim es del ayed.B.It l asts at l east tw o days.C.It has to be hel d every o ther year.D.It m ay tak e p l ace o n differen t dates.3.W hat do es the un derl i
18、n ed w o rd“n uisan ce“in P aragrap h 4 m ean?A.Jo k e.B.To p ic.C.Tro ubl e.D.Mistak e.4.W hat can w e in fer fro m the p assage?A.Leap Day w as n am ed after Jul ius Caesar.B.Leap sters cel ebrate their birthdays o n ce every fo ur years.C.Jo hn Mel o ben efited fro m Leap Day.D.P eo p l e ho l d
19、differen t attitudes to w ards Leap Day.三、Fo l k tal es have saddl ed(使承担)the m o o n w ith m aj o r resp o n sibil ities:m o o ds,in creases in crim e an d even m en tal diso rders are bl am ed o n the Earths o n l y co n stan t n aturalsatel l ite.But co ul d the ul un ar effect“disturb sl eep?S c
20、ien tists have l o n g un dersto o d that hum an activity is facil itated by l ight,beit sun l ight,m o o n l ight o r artificial l ight.But a recen t study suggests o ur abil ity tosl eep is distin ctl y affected by the l un ar cycl e,even w hen tak in g in to acco un t artificialso urces o f l igh
21、t.Usin g w rist m o n ito rs,researchers track ed sl eep p attern s in 98 in dividual s l ivin gin three l o cal co m m un ities in Argen tin a o ver the co urse o f o n e to tw o m o n ths.O n e ruralco m m un ity had n o el ectricity access,a seco n d rural co m m un ity had l im ited access toel
22、ectricity,w hil e a third co m m un ity w as l o cated in an urban settin g an d had ful l accessto el ectricity.P articip an ts in al l three co m m un ities sho w ed the sam e p attern o f sl eepo scil l atio n s(波动)as the m o o n p ro gressed thro ugh its 2 9.5-day cycl e,w ith sl eep duratio nch
23、an gin g by betw een 2 0 an d m o re than 90 m in utes,an d bedtim es varyin g by 3 0 to 80 m in utes.In each co m m un ity,the p eak o f p articip an ts sl eep in g l ess an d stayin g up l atero ccurred in the three-to-five-day p erio d p rio r to ful l m o o n n ights,an d the o p p o siteo ccurr
24、ed o n the n ights befo re the n ew m o o n,the autho rs fo un d.Un surp risin gl y,data sho w ed the al un ar p hase e f f e c t o n sl eep ap p eared to bestro n ger the m o re l im ited access to el ectricity w as.“The resul t stro n gl y suggests that hum an sl eep is syn chro n ized(同步)w ith l
25、un arp hases regardl ess o f ethn ic an d so cio-cul tural back gro un d an d o f the l evel o furban isatio n,“the researchers w ro te in the j o urn al S cien ce Advan ces.De l a Igl esia added:W e hum an s ten d to bel ieve that w e m an aged to so m eho w co n tro ln ature,an d the use o f artif
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- 新课标全国卷 阅读理解说明类 【新课标全国卷】二 阅读理解说明类2022届高考英语考点剖析精创卷 新课 全国卷 阅读 理解 说明 2022 高考 英语 考点 剖析 精创卷