(人教版)高考英语全套课件:必修4 Unit 1 Women of achievement.ppt
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1、必修必修 4Unit 1 Women of achievement【诵读诵读积积累累】(原原创创)请请根根据据以以下下信信息息以以“The Most Beautiful Woman Teacher”为为题题写写一一篇篇英英语语报报道道:张张丽丽莉莉,29岁岁,佳佳木木斯斯市市第第十十九九中中学学教教师师,2012年年5月月8日日晚晚8:00左左右右,十十九九中中校校门门口口,学学生生放放学学,准准备备坐坐车车回回家家;一一辆辆大大巴巴失失控控,撞撞向向两两名名学学生生;张张老老师师猛猛推推了了他他们们一一把把,使使他他们们脱脱离离了了危危险险;车车从从张张丽丽莉莉老老师师腿腿上上碾碾压压过过去
2、。去。The Most Beautiful Woman Teacher Zhang Lili,aged 29,is a teacher from No.19 Middle School of Jiamusi City.At about 8 oclock on the evening of May 8th,2012,the students of the school were waiting in front of the school gate for the bus back home.Just then an out-of-control bus bumped into two stud
3、ents.Just at the critical moment,Miss Zhang rushed over and pushed the two students to safety.Unfortunately she was run over by the bus.And she was injured so seriously that she had to have her legs cut off.Her bravery has moved the people all over the country deeply.As a result,she has been honored
4、 as the most beautiful woman teacher.【尝试尝试运用运用】词汇词汇翻翻译译撞上撞上 _冲上去冲上去 _碾碾过过 _切除切除 _被尊称被尊称为为 _bump intorush overrun overcut offbe honored as句型句型转换转换She was injured so seriously that she had to have her legs cut off.(改改为为倒装句倒装句)_So seriously was she injured that she had to have her legs cutoff.单词盘单词盘点点核
5、心速核心速记记1._(n.)运运动动;战战役役 (vi.)作作战战;参加运;参加运动动2._(n.)荫荫;阴凉;阴凉处处 (vt.)遮住光遮住光线线3._(adj.)值值得的;得的;值值得做的得做的campaignshadeworthwhile4._(vt.&n.)尊敬尊敬,尊重尊重,敬意敬意5._(n.)人群;人群;观观众众 (vt.)挤满挤满;使;使拥挤拥挤6._(n.&vt.)支持;支持;拥护拥护respectcrowdsupport联联想串想串记记7._(v.)举动举动,(举举止或行止或行为为)表表现现_(n.)行行为为,举举止止,习习性性8._(vt.)观观察察,观测观测,遵守遵守_
6、(n.)观观察察,观测观测9._(v.)讨论讨论,辩论辩论,争争论论_(n.)争争论论,争争辩辩,争吵争吵10._(vt.)鼓舞鼓舞,激激发发,启示启示_(adj.)受到鼓舞的受到鼓舞的,有灵感的有灵感的_(adj.)鼓舞人心的鼓舞人心的_(n.)鼓舞鼓舞,灵感灵感behavebehaviourobserveobservationargueargumentinspireinspiredinspiringinspiration11._(vi.)提到提到,针对针对,关系到关系到(vt.&vi.)参考参考,查阅查阅 _(n.)提及提及,涉及;参考涉及;参考,查阅查阅12._(vt.)计计划划,打算打
7、算_(n.)打算打算,目的目的,意意图图13._(adj.)考考虑虑周到的周到的_(v.)考考虑虑,认为认为_(n.)考考虑虑,体体谅谅_(prep.)考考虑虑到到14._(vt.)递递送送,生生(小孩儿小孩儿),接生接生,发发表表(演演说说等等)_(n.)投投递递,交交货货,分娩分娩referreferenceintendintentionconsiderateconsiderconsiderationconsideringdeliverdelivery.短短语语互互译译1.离开离开,起程起程,出出发发 _2.(想法、想法、问题问题等等)涌上心涌上心头头,涌入涌入脑脑海海 _3.碰巧碰巧,凑
8、巧凑巧 _4.(偶然偶然)遇遇见见,碰碰见见 _5.继续继续,坚坚持持 _6.devote.to _7.look down on/upon _8.lead a.life _9.refer to _10.fight for _move offcrowd inby chance/accidentcome acrosscarry on把把奉献奉献给给蔑蔑视视,瞧不起瞧不起过过着着的生活的生活查阅查阅,参考参考,谈谈到到为为而而战战.句型透句型透视视1.“only+状状语语”置于句首的倒装句置于句首的倒装句Only after her mother came to help her for the f
9、irst few months _(使她得以开始自使她得以开始自己的己的计计划划).2.once引引导导的条件状的条件状语语从句从句_(一旦我停下来一旦我停下来),it all comes _(涌上心涌上心头头)and I remember the chimps in laboratories.was she allowed to begin her projectOnce I stopcrowding in3.it作形式主作形式主语语的主的主语语从句从句Suddenly_(我忽然想起我忽然想起)how difficult it was for a woman to get medical t
10、raining at that time.4.强强调调句句(It is.that.)Further reading made me realize that _ _(是苦干和决心是苦干和决心以及她温和的天性以及她温和的天性)got her into medical school.it hit meit was hard work anddetermination as well as her gentle nature that.语语篇完形篇完形 Jane Goodall,who had 1._to work with animals in their own environment sinc
11、e her childhood,went to Africa and 2._ herself to studying the 3._ of chimps.It was tough but she considered it as a 4._ career.Through her study,we learned much more about chimps.She 5._ that the life of these animals should be 6._intendeddevotedbehaviour worthwhilearguedrespectedand they should be
12、 left in the 7._and not used forentertainment.Besides,she was very 8._ of these animals.Now,she has achieved everything she wanted to do,which 9._ those who want to cheer the 10._ of women.wildconsiderateinspiredachievements1.用适当的介用适当的介词词填空填空(1)Seeing that we had noticed him,the little boy moved _ s
13、lowly.(2)The talks were carrying _ in spite of the complaints by both sides.offon(3)I came _ some old photos of the family when I was looking through the book.(4)Dont look down _ him.Im sure he is a diamond in the rough.(5)The school being built now is intended _ the disabled children.acrosson/uponf
14、or2.选选用句型透用句型透视视中的句式仿写句子中的句式仿写句子(1)只有在他病重只有在他病重时时,他才待在床上。他才待在床上。_(2)我我们们一安一安顿顿下来下来,就一定就一定请邻请邻居来家里喝咖啡。居来家里喝咖啡。_(3)我突然想起我突然想起,我把她的生日我把她的生日给给忘了。忘了。_(4)去年我和他是在他工作的工厂里去年我和他是在他工作的工厂里见见面的。面的。_Only when he is seriously ill does he ever stay in bed.Once we get settled,we must ask the neighbours in for coffee
15、.It hit me all of a sudden that I had forgotten her birthday.It was in the factory where he worked that I met him last year.核核心心考考点点argue3年年1考考support3年年1考考come across3年年1考考1.behave vt.&vi举动举动;(举举止或行止或行为为)表表现现(1)behave oneself 举举止止规规矩矩,有礼貌有礼貌Behave yourself!口口语语规规矩点!矩点!(2)behavio(u)r n.行行为为,举举止止beha
16、viour towards/to.对对的的态态度度/行行为为(2012安徽高考安徽高考)We live in a global village,but this doesnt mean that we all behave in the same way.我我们们生活在一个地球村生活在一个地球村,但但这这并不意味着我并不意味着我们们都按相同的方式都按相同的方式做事。做事。Behave yourself;dont make a fool of yourself.注意你的注意你的举举止止,别闹别闹出笑出笑话话来。来。The teacher told the children to _ _.老老师师
17、叫孩子叫孩子们规们规矩一点。矩一点。Her _ _ Mr.Rushworth was careless and cold.她她对对Mr.Rushworth的的态态度漫不度漫不经经心心,很冷淡。很冷淡。behave themselvesbehaviour to2.observe vt.观观察;察;观测观测;遵守;遵守(1)observe sb.do sth.观观察某人做某事察某人做某事(全全过过程程)observe sb.doing sth.观观察某人正在做某事察某人正在做某事observe that.发现发现,观观察察(2)observation n.观观察;察;观观察力;察力;观测观测und
18、er observation 在在监视监视下下The police _ the man _ the bank.警方警方监视监视了那名男子了那名男子进进入入银银行的情况。行的情况。The woman _ _ _ _ him closely.有人看到那名女子有人看到那名女子紧紧跟着他。跟着他。We cannot always observe the traditions handed down to us from the past.我我们们不能永不能永远远遵守遵守过过去去传传下来的下来的传统传统。【熟熟词词生生义义】读读句子猜含句子猜含义义People of many American coun
19、tries observe Christmas Day.()observedentering/enterwas observed to follow庆庆祝祝【想一想想一想】observe后跟后跟“宾语宾语+宾语补宾语补足足语语”的复合的复合结结构构,当当动动词词不定式作不定式作宾语补宾语补足足语时应语时应注意什么呢?注意什么呢?【参考答案参考答案】observe后后跟跟不不带带to的的不不定定式式或或动动名名词词作作补补语语,即即observe sb.do/doing sth.,不不能能说说observe sb.to do sth.,但但在在被被动动语语态态中中,必须带必须带to。例如:。例如
20、:He observed someone open the door.Someone was observed to open the door.【助助记记】三三图图巧巧记记observe3.argue vi.&vt.争争论论;辩论辩论;争吵;主;争吵;主张张,认为认为argument n.争争论论;争;争辩辩;争吵;争吵The children are arguing with their parents about/over where to spend their holiday.孩子孩子们们正在与父母争正在与父母争论论到哪里度假的到哪里度假的问题问题。Do you argue for
21、or against the economic reform?你是你是赞赞成成还还是反是反对经济对经济改革?改革?We tried many ways to argue him into accepting our advice,but in vain.我我们们想尽各种想尽各种办办法法劝说劝说他接受我他接受我们们的建的建议议,但都是徒然。但都是徒然。Some experts argue that more strict measures should be taken to make the road safer.一一些些专专家家认认为为要要采采取取更更严严格格的的措措施来确保道路更安全。施来
22、确保道路更安全。【归纳归纳】写出下列短写出下列短语语_ 与某人争与某人争论论某事某事_ 赞赞成成/反反对对某事某事_ 说说服某人做服某人做/不做某事不做某事argue that-clause _【助助记记】The workers,who argued for their own rights,argued with the boss for a few days,but failed to argue him into giving them a rise in wages.为为了自身的了自身的权权利争利争论论的工人的工人们们同他同他们们的老板的老板辩论辩论数日数日,结结果没能果没能说说服老板
23、服老板给给他他们们加薪。加薪。argue with sb.about/over sth.argue for/against sth.argue sb.into/out of doing sth.主主张张/认为认为4.support vt.&n.支持;支持;拥护拥护;赡赡养养(1)support sb./a family 支持某人支持某人/赡赡养家庭养家庭support sb.in(doing)sth.在在(做做)某事方面支持某人某事方面支持某人support sb.by(doing)sth.通通过过(做做)某事支持某人某事支持某人support oneself 自力更生自力更生(2)in su
24、pport of sb./sth.支持或支援某人支持或支援某人/某物某物give support to sb.支持、支援某人支持、支援某人He had to do an extra job after work,for he _ _ _ _ _ _.他下班后得从事另外的工作他下班后得从事另外的工作,因因为为他有一大家人要养活。他有一大家人要养活。Is this bridge strong enough to support heavy lorries?这这座座桥桥禁得住重型卡禁得住重型卡车车通行通行吗吗?Ill mention some facts in support of my argum
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- 人教版高考英语全套课件:必修4 Unit Women of achievement 人教版 高考 英语 全套 课件 必修