(人教版)高考英语全套课件:选修7 Unit 3 Under the sea.ppt
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1、Unit 3 Under the sea.单词盘单词盘点点核心速核心速记记1._(adj.)每年的每年的;按年度按年度计计算的算的 (n.)年刊;年年刊;年鉴鉴2._(vt.)当当场见场见到;目到;目击击 (n.)目目击击者;者;证证人;人;证证据据3._(prep.)在在对对面面 (adj.)相相对对的;相反的的;相反的annualwitnessopposite4._(vi.&n.)暂暂停停;中止中止5._(vi.)逃避;逃跑逃避;逃跑 (vt.)逃离逃离6._(vt.)拖拖;拉拉;扯扯7._(vt.)催促催促;极力主极力主张张;驱驱策策8._(n.)目目标标;靶;受批靶;受批评评的的对对象
2、象9._(adj.)好的;整好的;整齐齐的;匀称的的;匀称的10._(adj.)狭窄的;有限的;狭隘的狭窄的;有限的;狭隘的11._(adj.)锐锐利的;利的;锋锋利的;敏捷的利的;敏捷的12._(adj.)浅的;肤浅的;浅浅的;肤浅的;浅显显的的pausefleedragurgetargetneatnarrowsharpshallow联联想串想串记记13._(n.)住住所所;住住宿宿 _(vt.)提提供供住宿住宿14._(vt.)放放弃弃;遗遗弃弃;抛抛弃弃 _(adj.)被被遗遗弃的;放弃的;放纵纵的的15._(v.)思考;映射;反射思考;映射;反射_(n.)反射反射;反映反映16._(a
3、dj.)意意识识到的到的;知道的知道的_(n.)意意识识,觉觉悟悟17._ (vt.)恐恐吓吓(vi.)受受惊惊吓吓_(adj.)恐恐惧惧的的;害害怕的怕的accommodationaccommodateabandonabandonedreflectreflectionawareawarenessscarescared.短短语语互互译译1.在此期在此期间间;与此同;与此同时时 _2.帮助帮助(某人某人)摆摆脱困境或危脱困境或危难难 _3.对对知道、明白;意知道、明白;意识识到到 _4.上下翻上下翻转转 _5.吓死了吓死了 _6.阻阻挡挡 _in the meantimehelp(.)outbe
4、/become aware ofupside down(be)scared to deathhold up7.draw near _8.sort out _9.aim at _10.be about to do sth._11.ahead of _12.keep sb.from doing sth._e on _靠近靠近整理;分整理;分类类;收拾;收拾瞄准瞄准正要做某事正要做某事在在前面;前面;领领先先阻止某人做某事阻止某人做某事加油加油,赶快赶快.句型透句型透视视1.a timewhen引引导导的定的定语语从句从句_(那个那个时时期期)the killer whales,or“killers
5、”as they were then called,helped the whalers catch the baleen whales that were on their annual migration.2.be about to动词动词原形原形 表示即将表示即将发发生的事情生的事情This was the call that announced _(即将即将有有)a whale hunt.It was a time whenthere was about to be3.see.being done 看到看到正在被正在被As we drew closer,I could _(看看见见一一
6、条条鲸鱼鲸鱼正在被攻正在被攻击击)by a pack of about six other killers.4.with复合复合结结构作状构作状语语Im sitting in the warm night air _ _(手手持持一一杯杯冷冷饮饮)and reflecting on the daya day of pure magic!5.动动名名词词的复合的复合结结构作构作宾语宾语The fish didnt seem to _(介介意意我在它我在它们们中中间间游游动动).see a whale being attackedwith a cold drink in myhandmind me
7、 swimming among them.语语篇完形篇完形 Working at the whaling station,I 1._ the killers helping whalers catch huge whales with my own eyes many times.On the afternoon I arrived at the station,I saw Old Tom 2._ us telling us there was a whale by throwing itself out of water and crashing down.Without 3._,we be
8、gan a whale hunt.We saw a whale 4._by a pack of killers.They tried to stop it breathing,5._ or fleeing until the whale died.Within a moment or two,its body was 6._ by the killers down into the depths of the sea.witnessedoppositepausingbeing attackeddivingdragged Old Tom and the other killers never h
9、armed people.There was one day 7._ we were out in the bay during a hunt and James was 8._the boat.The sea was rough and James was terrified of being 9._ by us.Then a shark suddenly appeared and I worried that it would 10._ James.Believe it or not,I saw James being held up in the water by Old Tom.whe
10、nwashed offhurtabandoned1.根据根据汉语汉语提示完成句子提示完成句子(1)After watching the horrible movie,he was too _(害怕害怕)to go to sleep.(2)The police had trouble finding the _(证证人人)to the murder case.(3)The high cost of _(住宿住宿)makes life difficult for students in London.scaredwitnessaccommodation(4)He _(抛弃抛弃)his wife a
11、nd went away with all their money.(5)You should make an apology to the old man for _ _(朝朝大声喊叫大声喊叫)him.(6)He _(没有意没有意识识到到)the danger until his friend told him about it.abandonedyellingatwasnt aware of2.选选用句型透用句型透视视中的句式仿写句子中的句式仿写句子(1)那个那个时时候我迷恋网候我迷恋网络络游游戏戏。_computer games.(2)我我们们学校即将学校即将举办举办一一场篮场篮球球赛赛
12、。A basketball match _.(3)我我们们碰巧看到他正被碰巧看到他正被带带到火到火车车上。上。We happened to _.It was a time when I was crazy about/was addicted to/wasabandoned tois about to be held in our schoolsee him being taken onto the train(4)他手里拿着一他手里拿着一朵朵玫瑰花在玫瑰花在车车站等候。站等候。He is waiting at the station _.(5)我非常感激你在我不在的我非常感激你在我不在的时时
13、候照看我的孩子。候照看我的孩子。I am very grateful for/appreciate _.with a rose in his handyou looking after my childwhile I was away核核心心考考点点reflect3年年2考考when引引导导定定语语从句从句3年年2考考being done3年年6考考1.witness vt.当当场见场见到;目到;目击击 n.目目击击者;者;证证人;人;证证据据I witnessed an accident on my way home yesterday.昨天在回家的路上我目睹了一起事故。昨天在回家的路上我目
14、睹了一起事故。He witnessed to having seen the man enter the room.他作他作证说证说他看到那个人他看到那个人进进入房入房间间。His ragged clothes were(a)witness to his poverty.他破他破烂烂的衣服的衣服证证明他的明他的贫穷贫穷。The old man gave witness on behalf of the accused person.那位老人那位老人为为被告作被告作证证。【归纳归纳】填写适当的介填写适当的介词词give/bear witness _为为作作证证;作;作的的证证人人(a)witne
15、ss _.的的证证人人/证证据据witness _ doing.证实证实;证证明明【熟熟词词生生义义】读读句子猜含句子猜含义义Her flushed face witnessed the excitement she felt.()tototo表明表明,说说明明2.urge vt.催促催促,督促;极力主督促;极力主张张;驱驱策策urge sb.to do sth.urge sb.into doing sth.urge that sb.(should)do sth.It is urged that sb.(should)do sth.催促某人做某事催促某人做某事坚坚决要求决要求/极力极力主主张张
16、某人某人应该应该做某事做某事They urged us into giving our support.他他们们敦促我敦促我们给们给予支持。予支持。It was urged that he _ _ for drunk driving.有人极力主有人极力主张张他他应应因醉因醉驾驾而受到而受到惩罚惩罚。(2012湖湖北北高高考考改改编编)Written by Sophia Jex-Blake,the document urged the university to allow women to study medicine at the institution.Sophia Jex-Blake写写
17、的的那那份份文文件件强强烈烈要要求求允允许许女女子子在在那那所所大大学学学学习习医学。医学。(should)be punished3.abandon vt.放弃;放弃;遗遗弃;抛弃弃;抛弃(1)abandon ones post 放弃某人的放弃某人的职职位位abandon oneself to.纵纵情;沉溺于情;沉溺于(2)abandoned adj.废废弃的;被弃的;被遗遗弃的;无弃的;无约约束束 的;放的;放荡荡的的Parents who abandon their babies should be punished.抛弃孩子的父母抛弃孩子的父母应该应该受到受到惩罚惩罚。The young
18、 man does nothing but _ _ _ pleasure.那个年那个年轻轻人除了沉溺于玩人除了沉溺于玩乐乐什么都不做。什么都不做。Walking in the forest,he _ _ by the world.走在森林里走在森林里,他他觉觉得自己被世界抛弃了。得自己被世界抛弃了。abandon himselftofelt abandoned【助助记记】The parents abandoned the abandoned young man because he abandoned himself to taking drugs.父母抛弃了那个堕落的年父母抛弃了那个堕落的年
19、轻轻人人,因因为为他沉溺于吸毒。他沉溺于吸毒。【高考高考链链接接】(2012浙浙江江高高考考)Peter had intended to take a job in business,but _ that plan after the unpleasant experience in Canada in 2010.A.had abandoned B.abandonedC.abandon D.will abandon【解解析析】选选B。考考查查时时态态。句句意意:彼彼得得本本打打算算从从事事商商务务工工作作,但但是是,经经过过2010年年在在加加拿拿大大的的那那次次不不愉愉快快的的经经历历后后他
20、他放放弃弃了了那那个个计计划划。根根据据句句意意可可知知abandon“放放弃弃”这这个个动动作作已已发发生生,故故用一般过去时。用一般过去时。4.reflect vi.思考思考 vt.映射;反射;思考映射;反射;思考(1)reflect sth.from sth.从某物从某物(表面表面)反射反射(光、光、热热、声等、声等)reflect on/upon sth.思考某事思考某事reflect sb./sth.in sth.(指指镜镜子等子等)映出某人映出某人/物的影像物的影像(2)reflection n.映像映像,倒影倒影The new traffic rules reflect the
21、importance of safety.新的交通法新的交通法规规表表现现出安全的重要性。出安全的重要性。He looked at his face _ _ the mirror.他看着映在他看着映在镜镜子里的子里的脸脸。(2012浙江高考浙江高考)Your performance as a student will be excellent if you develop a habit of _ _ how you learn.如果你养成思考怎如果你养成思考怎样样学学习习的的习惯习惯,作作为为一名学生一名学生,你的表你的表现现将将会是非常会是非常优优秀的。秀的。reflected inref
22、lectingon【高考高考链链接接】(2010湖湖北北高高考考)Just as the clothes a person wears,the food he eats and the friends with whom he spends his time,his house _ his personality.A.resembles B.strengthens C.reflects D.shapes【解解析析】选选C。句句意意:正正如如一一个个人人的的穿穿着着、饮饮食食(习习惯惯)及及与与之之共共度度时时光光的的朋朋友友一一样样,其其房房屋屋可可以以反反映映出出他他的的个个性性。resem
23、ble(表表示示同同类类中中的的)相相似似,相相同同;strengthen 加加强强;reflect 反反映映;shape 塑造塑造,(使使)成形。成形。5.help(.)out 帮助帮助(某人某人)摆摆脱困脱困难难或危或危难难The development of new products helped the company out.新新产产品的开品的开发发使使这这家公司家公司摆摆脱了困脱了困难难。His friend _ him _ _ his financial difficulties.他的朋友帮助他他的朋友帮助他摆摆脱了脱了经济经济困困难难。helpedout of【拓展拓展】翻翻译
24、译下列短下列短语语_ 禁不住做某事禁不住做某事_ 不能帮忙做某事不能帮忙做某事_ 帮助某人做某事帮助某人做某事_ 对对某人某人(非常非常)有帮助有帮助_ help oneself to _ cant help but do cant help doing sth.cant help(to)do sth.help sb.with sth./(to)do sth.be of(great)help to sb.请请自己自己动动手手,请请随便用随便用不得不不得不/不能不做不能不做6.be/become aware of对对知道、明白;意知道、明白;意识识到到(1)be aware that-claus
25、e 知道;体会到知道;体会到as far as Im aware 据我所知据我所知(2)make sb.aware that.提醒某人注意提醒某人注意make sb.aware of.使某人意使某人意识识到到(3)develop an awareness of.逐逐渐渐懂得懂得lack of awareness 缺乏缺乏认识认识Everybody _ _ _ the importance of knowledge.每个人都意每个人都意识识到了知到了知识识的重要性。的重要性。(2010福建高考福建高考)People _ now _ _ helping others is helping them
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- 人教版高考英语全套课件:选修7 Unit Under the sea 人教版 高考 英语 全套 课件 选修