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1、 The,Cold,Blue极寒之蓝(2023)完整中英文对照剧本剧本 中英文对比 完整 好了 我们和巴德海德基都在这里了 Okay, we“re here with Bud Haedike 我们开拍了 and we“re rolling. 这是我为我的轰炸小组写的歌amp;hearts; This is the song that I wrote for my bomb group 写给全部战友 不管他们归来与否 and all the guys that made it or didn“t make it. 用的是quot;I“ll be seeing youquot;的旋律 It“s t
2、o the melody of quot;I“ll be seeing you.quot; 我们将会再次见面 I“ll be seeing you 在我们一同执行的任务中 on all the missions that we flew 还会和老同事一起 and also with your good ole crew 成天相伴 the whole day through 敌人的战斗机和高射炮 enemy fighters and flak 轰鸣作响 the sound of loud ack, ack 但我们幸运而归 and lucky we got back 起飞那天的地勤人员们啊 to
3、our ground crew on that day we flew 我们将会再次相见 I“ll be seeing you 或许是在布满回忆的空军基地中 at good old deopham green 又或是在你细心维护的轰炸机里 in your sleek flying machine 叫它成功女王吧 o, the one called mighty queen 我将在蓝天下寻找着你 I“m going to look for you in skies of blue 而当你从我身边飞过时 and when your flights are through 我会在梦中与你相遇 I“l
4、l be seeing you in my dreams 我会永久思念着你 感谢 thank you. 现年 92 岁 第八空军投弹手 保罗巴德海德基 极寒之蓝 1943 年夏天 h 第八空军 B-17 的机组人员从欧洲返回美国 他们的顺当回归鼓舞了前方战线的士气 当时的机组人员和飞机quot;孟菲斯贝莱quot;是威廉怀勒导演的一部纪录片的焦点 该机组是在欧洲上空完成 25 次任务的首批幸存机组之一 1943 年 只有不到百分之二十五的机组在 25 次任务后幸存 但怀勒和尚存的第八空军老兵们却将一同在极寒之蓝中复原那场战斗 此后该机组成员也相继离世 其实 我也不知道 总归是凶多吉少 Well
5、, I don“t know, the odds were all against ya. 就犹如死囚 It was more or less like being in death row, 困于牢狱一般 in a penitentiary, 知道死期将至却只能坐以待毙 waiting on your turn and you knew it was coming. 你执行完一个非常困难的任务 You fly a real tough mission, 很快乐凯amp;hearts;旋amp;hearts;而归 and you“re so glad to get back, 每个人都在庆祝着
6、quot;嘿 and everybody says, quot;boy, 我们回来了 不是吗quot; we made it through that one, didn“t we?quot; 然而其次天早上他们又会进来 And, then, next morning they come in, 将灯光打在你的脸上 put their flashlight in your face. quot;好了伴计们 起床 该走了 quot;All right, boys, get up, you“re going to be leaving. 我们两小时后就要出勤了quot; We“re going t
7、o be flying in two hours.” 如今看来 这日子的确很苦 Now that“s. that“s tough. 我当时 21 岁 I was 21 years old. 我们当时都觉得我们能始终活下来 Yeah, and we felt like, uh, we could live forever. 但别误会了 Don“t get me wrong, 我们照旧会有那种紧迫感 we still get that tight feeling. 当我们观察四周正在放射的高射炮 When we would see bursting flak nearby. 当我们发觉敌机时 Wh
8、en we see fighters, 我们仍旧会有那种感觉 但 we still get that feeling, but. 你不行能这样战战兢兢地活着 You can“t make a living that way. 你能做的就是拼死一搏 All you could do is make a dying. 那些说他们不可怕的人 Anybody that says they weren“t afraid 都是在放屁 were full of crap 由于你总会对将要发生的事情感到可怕 cause you were always afraid what was going to happ
9、en next, 面对高射炮时 这种感觉极为明显 particularly in flak. 你只是莫名期盼着 You just. you just waited for something 不会有什么事发生 to go off around you. 而这往往是敌机消失的时候 And that“s when the fighters would come up. 我们机组中的一个人总是不停地说着 One of the men in our crew kept saying, quot;我知道我多半回不去了quot;之类的话 quot;I know I“m not gonna make it,
10、quot; et cetera, et cetera, 而你不情愿听到这些 and you don“t like to hear that. 但他确实很担忧 And he was very concerned 由于他的妻子盼着他一两天后就能回来 because his wife was expecting within a day or two. 其次天 他接到命令去执行任务 And the next day, they had him flying, 其实他们本不该叫上他的 which they shouldn“t have had, 他们从我们机组 and they took so man
11、y men 叫了很多人和他一起出勤 from our crew to fly with him, 而他们再也没能回来 and they never made it back. 他们的战机坠入了海峡 They crashed into the channel. 特别戏剧性的是 他 And, incidentally, and this isn“t storytelling, but he. 他 He, uh. 他牺牲的那天他的儿子却刚好诞生 He was killed the day his son was born. 为了拍摄纪录片 h 威廉怀勒和三位摄影师跟随第八空军一起执行轰炸任务 其中一
12、位摄影师在其乘坐的飞机于法国坠毁后遇难 二战期间 h 第八空军的牺牲人数超过美国海军的死亡人数 将来不明 战斗降临 我们奔赴战场 The war came, and we went and did 听从命令 what they told us to do. 那是我唯一的印象 That“s the only thing I know. 日本人毁了我的青春 The Japanese ruined my youth, 当时我才 19 20 岁 because I was 20 years old or 19 years old. 一切都那么美妙 然而 Everything was wonderful
13、, and the Japanese, 飞行员 约翰凯茨尔 诞生于 1921 年 5 月 11 日 日本人的一次突袭 便将这些通通粉碎 in one fell swoop, ended all of that. 接下来就是 4 年的战斗 And it lasted four years. 我知道为什么会让年轻人们投身战斗 Well, I can see why they get young fellows to fly to war, 陆战 潜艇战什么的 or ground, or submarines, and so forth. 由于年轻人总觉得自己无所不能 When you“re you
14、nger, you feel you can do anything. 电报员 h 机amp;hearts;枪amp;hearts;手 阿尔维拉格兰 诞生于 1923 年 10 月 31 日 但随着年龄的增长 人也变得更加睿智 I think when you get older, you get smarter. 这有一个 19 岁的领航员 There was a 19-year-old navigator, 犹太人 眼睛像钉子一般敏锐 Jewish kid, sharp as a tack. 还有一些大一点的同伴们 And I had some older boys. 我们投弹手当时 26
15、 岁 My bombardier was 26 years old. 飞行员 普希金亚历山大 诞生于 1921 年 10 月 6 日 而我当时应当 22 或 23 左右 I was 22, 23. 我们中最大的是来自宾夕法尼亚的荷兰人 Oldest man we had in the crew was a Pennsylvania dutchman, 三十二岁 thirty-two years old. 我们叫他quot;老父亲quot; We called him quot;pappy.quot; 三十二岁了 Thirty-two years old. 我们的领航员 26 岁 Our nav
16、igator was 26, 威廉图姆斯 飞机工程师 h 上炮手 诞生于 1924 年 5 月 8 日 而其他人都差不多是 22 或 23 岁 and everybody else was anywhere from 22, 23. 回想起来我知道为什么年轻人 I see. I can look back now and see why young people 纷纷参战而年长的却没有了 were in a war, not older people. 年长的人更加理智 Older people got better sense. 人们常说随着年龄的增长 Sometimes they say
17、that the older you get, 你会变得更加睿智 the more wiser you get. 我觉得应当没有多少人 There weren“t too many, I don“t think, younger, 比我还年轻了 too much younger than me. 我从 19 岁便开头执行任务 I flew every one of my missions at 19. 投弹手 h 尾炮手 保罗巴德海德基 诞生于 1925 年 5 月 30 日 我们机组的膛腰炮手年龄比拟大 The old man on our crew was our waist gunner
18、. 他当时 25 岁 He was 25. 不得不说 当我们进入机舱时 I“ll tell you, when we got into this thing, 就想出勤飞行 you wanted to fly. 你为此那么刻苦地训练 And, you know, you had a great time training, 但当你真的到了那里 all that, but when you get over there 开了第一枪之后 and had got shot at the first time, 膛腰炮手 约翰道尔 诞生于 1925 年 2 月 11 日 你才发觉其实一切都是那么糟 y
19、ou knew you were in deep doo-doo. 你要真的把生活当回事了 And. and you really took life seriously after that. 我们被要求执行 30 次飞行任务 They said we was gonna fly 30 missions. 一开头是 25 个 You know, they started out at 25. 而到我们时就改成了 30 个 Now they changed it to 30 when we got there. 我们飞了 26 个任务后 And then we got 26 missions
20、in, 球型炮手 罗伯特罗兰德 诞生于 1925 年 1 月 9 日 我们放了一周的假 and they give us a week off. 当我们回来时 他们说 And we come back and they says, quot;你们要飞 35 个才行quot; quot;you“re gonna fly 35,quot; 这多少让我们有点震动 and that was kind of a shock. 看起来似乎我始终都在执行飞行任务 Well, it seemed like I was flying all the time. 这里有 40 个轰炸小组 There were 4
21、0 bomb groups. 我们组里有许多人 Our bomb group had a lot of people. 我不了解后勤工作 比方燃料补给 I don“t know the logistics of keeping the fuel 副驾驶员 格伦哈里森 诞生于 1920 年 3 月 11 日 和弹amp;hearts;药amp;hearts;补给 就是晚上装弹 and the ammunition, loading the bombs at night, 为其次天提前做好预备 getting them ready for the next day. 我对这些一窍不通 I don“
22、t know how they did it. 当你身处这样的境况时 When you“re in a fn 方正兰亭中黑_GBKposition like that, 就没有明天可言 there“s no tomorrow. 你会去做任何想做的事 You do everything that you want to do, 或者能做的事 当你准备去做时 that you can do, when you feel like doing it, 投弹手 莫顿吉梅尔 诞生于 1923 年 5 月 11 日 就会立即行动 and do it then 由于你可能没有再来一次的时机 because
23、you may not get the chance to do it again. 致命任务 二战期间 h13 万 5 千人在第八空军服役并于欧洲上空执行了近三百万个飞行任务 而在德国上空的任务被认为是最危急的 英军在晚上执行最危急的任务 h 而美军却得在光天化日之下飞过这些浩大的防卫武器 被叫醒是常有的事 Wouldn“t be unusual, they“d wake you up. 起床第一件事 The first thing you“d do would be go to the, uh, 就是去食堂吃饭 the mess hall to eat. 食堂灯火通明 大家有说有笑 The
24、 mess hall was all lit up and everybody was laughing 这时通常有一个叫 and talking, and usually they had 柏林莉恩亦或是其他名字的一个人 Berlin Lynn or whatever her name was 通过收音机进展播送 on the radio broadcasting. 我们都还没被告知 We hadn“t been briefed yet. 我们都不知道自己要去哪儿 We didn“t know where we was gonna go, 但这位在柏林的女士却知道 but this lady
25、 in Berlin knew where we were gonna go, 而且还会说quot;伴计们 and she says, quot;boys, 你们今日有个艰难的任务 you“ve got a tough one today. 你们会去哪里哪里之类的 You“re going to so-and-so and so-and-so 而我们等待着你们的凯amp;hearts;旋amp;hearts;quot; and we“ll be waiting on ya,quot; 所以她知道的其实比我们知道的还多 and so they knew more than we did. 当空军
26、时 我们去炊事房amp;hearts; Now, in the air force, when we went to the kitchen 领我们的早餐 比方说领鸡蛋 for breakfast and we were getting, say, eggs, 我们领到的往往是蛋白粉 we“d get powdered eggs. 由于只有这个了 That“s what they had. 间或我们能吃到新奇的鸡蛋 Once in a while we would get fresh eggs. 假如能吃到两个以上 那就很浪费了 You could get two over easy and
27、this was a treat. 但我们知道每当吃到新奇鸡蛋的时候 But we knew after a while that when you got fresh eggs, 就意味着你将会有个非常艰难的任务 it meant you were gonna have a real tough mission. 正是因此你才会吃到新奇鸡蛋 So they gave you fresh eggs. 就是这样了 That“s the story. 我们情愿不吃这个鲜鸡蛋 We don“t want fresh eggs, 即使我们真的很想吃 but we want fresh eggs. 当你
28、预备出勤飞行时 When you“re going to get ready for a flight, 你便要去更衣室 you go into the locker room. 戴上飞行帽 And you wore long Johns. 然后穿上防爆套服 And then you“d wear the eod suit, put that on. 我们还有与之配套的手套 And we had gloves that were attached to those. 你得把它们戴上 You had to get your gloves into those, 让它们爱护好你的踝关节 they
29、came clear around your ankles too. 之后再穿上飞行服 And then you had your flight suits. 这些才只是你穿在身上的 Those were the things that you just wore. 你会穿着这些登上载重卡车 And you“d load back on a truck 他们会把你送到 and they“d take you to the area 训令室所在的地方 where the debriefing rooms were. 全部人和物资都在那儿 So all the crews and everythi
30、ng would be sitting there, 悄悄等着 那里墙上挂着一张白布 waiting, and they had a sheet over the wall. 他们会把它拉上去 They“d pull the sheet back 然后说道quot;今日我们的目标是德国 and say, quot;our target today is Germany. 就我们所知 天气看起来还不错quot; The weather looks pretty good, as near as we can tell.” 不列颠群岛 欧洲大amp;hearts;陆amp;hearts; 目标 在
31、传令会中总会有一个人吸引我的留意 One thing always got me about these briefings. 他就是天主教的神父 The catholic chaplain, 他站在角落里倾听着告解 he was back in the corner hearing confessions. 分发圣餐 And giving out communions. 其实他知道他要去的地方 So he. he knew that he was going someplace 也知道他很可能没法再回来 he might not come back from. 空中危机 直到战斗完毕前 h
32、涉及超过一千架飞机的任务依旧常见 这些飞时机从各地的英国空军基地起飞并汇合成一个大型编队 而这消耗时间的过程也是每个任务中最危急的环节之一 战斗中最特殊的一点就是 That was one of the most amazing things in a war, 将 1100 架飞机编制在一起 the choreographing of putting 1,100 airplanes together 编队飞行 in formation to go over. 我们会在跑道终点的外amp;hearts;围amp;hearts; We“d all line up on the perimeter
33、 strip 排好队 that comes around to the end of the runway. 领航机开头列队滑行 And the lead ship would taxi around and line up. 当发出预备起飞的信amp;hearts;号amp;hearts;amp;hearts;时 And when he fired a flare to take off, 领航机就会进入跑道 that lead ship went down the runway. 下一架是停在他后面的飞机 Next man pulled right up behind him. 30 秒后
34、 会开头助跑 Thirty seconds, he moved. 再过 30 秒 第三架也开头助跑 Thirty seconds, the third man moved. 每 30 秒便有一架飞机开上跑道 Every 30 seconds a plane was going down that runway. 在其次架飞机已经开头助跑后 That lead plane never got off the ground 第一架飞机才会起飞 before that second plane was already running. 我们只不过是在跑道的终点全力旋转 Well, we just s
35、pin out there on the end of the runway 然后给足油门 and give it a full throttle, 而且你得有足够的速度 and you had to have enough speed for it 能带着全部的负重起飞 to lift all that load up. 你的油箱要加满 You had a full gas load, 装备好全部的枪amp;hearts;械amp;hearts;弹amp;hearts;药amp;hearts; you had all your ammunition for the guns, 填装好全部的炸
36、amp;hearts;弹amp;hearts; and you had the bomb load. 毫无疑问 上升到高空的时候 Of course, while you“re up there, 我能看到太阳从陆地升起 I could see the sun coming up around earth. 我认为那是最惊奇的事 And I thought that was the most weird thing, 看到太阳升起 而大地还覆盖在黑暗中 to see the sun coming up, and it“s dark on earth, you know. 但你意识到那是正在发生
37、的事 But you realized what was happening to you. 然后 没多久你发觉 And, then, next thing you know, 太阳升起来了 全部飞机都在回旋 was the sun come up, and you see all these airplanes circling, 他们装载着沉重的炸amp;hearts;弹amp;hearts; straining, so to speak, to get up to the altitude 努力到达应有的高度 with a heavy load of bombs. 二战期间为了提高轰炸机
38、的命中率而实行编对飞行 同时回旋着进展编队 You had to form up and you had to circle, 始终飞行直到与队伍集合 you was supfn 方正兰亭中黑_GBKposed to fly till you got formed up 并编队完成 with your group. 然后会有另一组轰炸机在四周编队 And then there“d be another bomb group over here. 有次 我们和另一架轰炸机离得很近 And, one day, we come within three or four inches 不过一拳之隔 o
39、f whacking up with another bomb group. 有些战机 是由年轻飞行员 Well, on some of them, where the young pilots 替补上来驾驶的 had come in as replacements, 领航机要在空中爬升 if I was first man to take off, we“d be up in the air, 也许升到 60 或是 90 米的样子 say, 200, 300 feet climbing. 突然间quot;轰quot;的一声 All of a sudden, quot;boom.quot; 你
40、观察一道一闪而过的红光 You see a bright flash, 和紧接着快速降落的物体 a red flash and stuff coming down. 你特别清晰这是次空中相撞 You knew darn well it was a mid-air collision. 上升过程中的每分每秒都极具危急性 And, uh, those were scary times, as far as getting up. B-17quot;空中堡垒quot;重型轰炸机 两架轰炸机 一架刚好坠落在 Two b-17s, one came down 另一架的正上方 right on top o
41、f the other. 他们都走向了死亡 They all went to their death. 顺便一提 我就是从那时开头抽烟的 That“s when I started smoking, by the way. 相倚为家 平均每个机组由 10 人组成 这些人共同训练 h 共同飞行和生活 一起积存着不断增加的能让他们回家的任务量 事实上我信任 我们的军官 Well, actually, I believe that our officers 和自己的机组成员之间 were closer to their crew 要比和其他军官间更亲切 than they were with oth
42、er officers. 在同一机组 大局部战友都非常团结 As a crew, most crews stuck pretty well together. 我们一起做了许多事 We did a lot together. 我觉得我们当时不会太欢送 I don“t think we would have appreciated 新成员的参加 one new man joining us. 我们清晰彼此的力量 We knew what each man was capable of doing. 每个人都会做好自己的本职工作 Each man did his job good. 没有人埋怨 A
43、nd no one complained. 我们就是空中的一家人 We were family in the air. 相互信任彼此 每个人都各司其职 You absolutely had to be, we all had our duties. 希望着能始终在一起 We just wanted to stay together. 究竟我们是一起执行了 And we flew 25 missions as a crew, 25 次任务的一个机组 all of us togetr. 当时第八航amp;hearts;空amp;hearts;队服役期包括 25 次作战任务 我们就像是一家人 You
44、“re a family. 准确地说 我们就是一家人 Exactly, you have to be. 我记得有次任务 However, I can remember one mission 我们的随机工程师喝得烂醉 when our flight engineer came out smashed. 我爬到他身边 And I climbed all over him. 问他quot;你是怎么回事quot; I said, quot;what is wrong with you? quot;我们是要彼此依靠的quot; We depend on one another.” 军官们往往对军容风纪
45、过分留意 There was a lot of spit and Polish by the officers 这在我们那里是不存在的 and that didn“t happen. 如你所说 我们是情同手足的兄弟 Like you say, we“re a family of brothers. 我们没时间管那些琐事 And we didn“t have time for all that stuff. 我们不需要敬礼致意 But there“s no saluting and. 也不说quot;是 长官quot;quot;不 长官quot;这些客套话 And quot;yes, sir,q
46、uot; quot;no, sir,quot; all that. 每个人都共性鲜亮 Each guy was his own guy. 固然 每个人会做好自己的工作 Well, of course, each man would do his job, 而且我们也都知道 and we all knew exactly 每个人的行程和安排 who was going to do what, so to speak. 所以说我们是一个很棒的团队 So I knew I had a good crew. 我们相处得也很开心 And, uh, we just got along beautifull
47、y. 超棒机械师 地勤组长是基地唯一可以批准一架飞机飞行的人 还配有一个单独的小组负责装卸炸amp;hearts;弹amp;hearts;和武器 每架 B-17 通常由 4 名机械师和 1 名地勤组长照管 完成任务回来后 我们的地勤组长 We had a crew chief that took care of that plane 负责照看这架飞机 after we got it back off a mission. 我们三人围围着飞机 So the three of us walked that plane, 查看全部的部件 looked at everything on the ground, 问他我们能想到的全部问题 asked him all the questions we could think of. 假设有任何小问题 If there was any little thing 是我们认为应当特殊留意的 that we thought we should pay particular attention to, 就会让他来告知我们 for him to tell us. 你不会永久只飞同一架飞机 You never flew the same plane all the time. 这就像你的车出了毛病 It“s just like y