《江苏省新高考基地学校2023-2024学年高三上学期12月第三次大联考试题含部分答案(九科试卷).pdf》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《江苏省新高考基地学校2023-2024学年高三上学期12月第三次大联考试题含部分答案(九科试卷).pdf(161页珍藏版)》请在淘文阁 - 分享文档赚钱的网站上搜索。
1、江苏省新高考基地学校江苏省新高考基地学校 2023-20242023-2024 学年高学年高三上学期三上学期 1212 月第三次大联考试题含部分答月第三次大联考试题含部分答案(九科试卷案(九科试卷)目 录1.1.江苏省新高考基地学江苏省新高考基地学校校 2023-2022023-2024 4 学年高三上学学年高三上学期期 1 12 2 月第三次大月第三次大联联考地理考地理试题含答案试题含答案2.2.江苏省新高考基地学江苏省新高考基地学校校 2023-2022023-2024 4 学年高三上学学年高三上学期期 1 12 2 月第三次大月第三次大联考联考化学化学试题试题3.3.江苏省新高考基地学江
2、苏省新高考基地学校校 2023-2022023-2024 4 学年高三上学学年高三上学期期 1 12 2 月第三次大月第三次大联考联考历史历史试题含答案试题含答案4.4.江苏省新高考基地学江苏省新高考基地学校校 2023-2022023-2024 4 学年高三上学学年高三上学期期 1 12 2 月第三次大月第三次大联考联考生物生物试题含答案试题含答案5.5.江苏省新高考基地学江苏省新高考基地学校校 2023-2022023-2024 4 学年高三上学学年高三上学期期 1 12 2 月第三次大月第三次大联考联考数学数学试题含答案试题含答案6.6.江苏省新高考基地学江苏省新高考基地学校校 2023
3、-2022023-2024 4 学年高三上学学年高三上学期期 1 12 2 月第三次大月第三次大联考联考物理物理试题含答案试题含答案7.7.江苏省新高考基地学江苏省新高考基地学校校 2023-2022023-2024 4 学年高三上学学年高三上学期期 1 12 2 月第三次大月第三次大联考联考英语英语试题含答案试题含答案8.8.江苏省新高考基地学江苏省新高考基地学校校 2023-2022023-2024 4 学年高三上学学年高三上学期期 1 12 2 月第三次大月第三次大联考联考语文语文试题含答案试题含答案9.9.江苏省新高考基地学江苏省新高考基地学校校 2023-2022023-2024 4
4、 学年高三上学学年高三上学期期 1 12 2 月第三次大月第三次大联考联考政治政治试题试题2024 WrffiW&=&ft&in-ttMMiiW(iWi.mm,wwfiawn,ihs ifl&Mfl VEo2.iiVUniWKiffiMW WiEAM3W.3.MW,JIHSitmiW o.5$#M#-#M-#(#,#30#)M-(#5 4;W1.5#,#7.5#)T5Wi5 WWW-MJ,MfMA,B,CHNMMfi#Mo WWW,MW10WMW WWWiio1.Wh at is wrong with th e jacket?A.Its not warm enough.B.Its not a
5、good col or.C.It doesnt fit wel l.2.How does th e woman feel?A.Amazed.B.Pl eased.C.Disappointed.3.How often does th e woman exercise?A.Once a day.B.Once a week.C.Once a month.4.Wh at time is it now?A.4:00 p.m.B.5:00 p.m.C.6:00 p.m.5.Wh ere are th e speakers?A.In a l ibrary.B.In a restaurant.C.In a c
6、l assroom.&-1*(#15/J;WB1.5#,#22.5#)qjfT5SWW#fi.WWW&fiJsWJLm MMA,B,CHM MMMo njfWWWaSM,WWWl W&m W5;n,&018200 18.Wh y migh t“cl ean meat”be popul ar?A.It is good to h uman and nature.B.It deal s with food sh ortages.C.It proves a scientific th eory.19.How much of th e gl obal meat industry migh t“cl ea
7、n meat”occupy?A.A h al f.B.A th ird.20.Wh at is special about Eat Justs product?A.It uses different pl ants.B.It uses pl ant cel l s.C.At a h ospital.C.Husband and wife.C.Impol ite.C.Registering for cl asses.C.In a company.C.A tenth.C.It uses animal cel l s.i-2,10#QQABYYQAogiAABBAARhCUQHoCgGQkAAAAKo
8、GQEAAMAABwBNABAA=#:-m (ww,50)M(&15MS;$M2.5 5h W 37.5#)l WF?m#MWrJA B C,D HtHaM.APark City h as someth ing for every mul tigencrational famil y.Wh eth er youre trying to tire out kids,comfort teenagers,and satisfy core skiers,youl l h ave no probl em finding someth ing th at th e wh ol e famil y wil
9、l enjoy.Skiing at Park City Mountain and Deer ValleyDeer Val l ey and Park City Mountain offer th ousands of acres of terrain for al l skiers.Wh eth er you l ike carving fresh l y groomed runs,ripping powder and trees,or arc just h oning your skil l s on green and bl ue runsal l riders can find some
10、th ing th ey l ike!Each resort provides exceptional experiences on and off th e mountain.With pl entiful skiing,easy transportation,and tons of cl ose l odging,starting your famil y trip on the sl opes is a no-brainer.Art classes at the Kimball Art CenterTh e Kimbal l Art Center is a great pl ace to
11、 escape th e col d weath er,and l et your creative juices fl ow.Th e Kimbal l Art Center h as a variety of art cl asses th at are offered several days every week.Cl asses cover a wide variety of art styl es incl uding pottery,painting,textil es,and even gl ass making.To make it easy for famil ies,al
12、 l of th eir cl asses can be sorted by th e best ages,so you can be certain to sign up for a cl ass th at suits your unique group wel l.Family Sleigh Ride in Park CityIf youre l ooking for a nice way to rel ieve stress at th e end of th e day,a famil y sl eigh ride is one of our favorite activities.
13、Bundl e up togeth er under bl ankets as youre pul l ed th rough th e snow beh ind a team of h orses,and youl l quickl y feel l ike youve been transported to anoth er time.With our young kids,we found th at taking a sh ort sl eigh ride fol l owed by dinner at Cena,was a perfect combination.Park City
14、Escape RoomIf youre l ooking for a bit of a mental ch al l enge,and are wil l ing to real l y work togeth er as a team,make sure to visit th e Park City Escape Room.With several th emed rooms,your famil y wil l work togeth er to sol ve a puzzl e and figure out h ow to escape.Escape rooms are fantast
15、ic for mul tigenerational famil ies and big groups,since everyone h as someth ing unique to bring to th e game.21.Wh ich activity refl ects th e cooperative abil ity of famil y members?A.Skiing at Deer Val l ey.B.Art cl asses at th e Kimbal l Art Center.C.Park City Escape Room.D.Famil y Sl eigh Ride
16、 in Park City.22.Wh at can th e famil y do in th e sl eigh ride in Park City?A.Experience h orse-riding.B.Rel ax th emsel ves.C.Travel to th e l ong past.D.Dine on a sl eigh.23.Wh at is probabl y expected for th e four activities in Park City?A.Househ ol d participation.B.Adventurous spirit.C.Famil
17、y background.D.Professional skil l s.*3 m.most#QQABYYQAogiAABBAARhCUQHoCgGQkAAAAKoGQEAAMAABwBNABAA=#:D JIn 1997,th e Hungarian bioch emist Katal in Kariko met anoth er struggl ing research er,th e American immunol ogist Drew Weissman,as th ey queued to ph otocopy scientific papers at th e University
18、 of Pennsyl vania(UPenn).Th e two scientists found th ey fol l owed th e same research direction and decided to cooperate.Now,th eir partnersh ip ach ieved th e peak of scientific recognition.Th ey jointl y won th e Nobel Prize in Medicine.But wh il e both scientists endured years of professional st
19、ruggl e on th e way to th e h uge success,Kariko h ad to overcome greater setbacks th an Weissman.For decades sh e never found a permanent position.Having grown up in a vil l age in a h ouse with out running water or a refrigerator,Kariko got a bioch emistry doctorate in Szeged before sh e and h er
20、h usband sol d th eir car,sewed some cash into th eir toddl er daugh ters teddy bear and went to th e U.S.on a one-way ticket.Th e daugh ter became a U.S.national rower and Ol ympic gol d winner.Kariko worked in a few different research jobs before l anding a junior position at th e UPenn.And for ma
21、ny years h er career at th e UPenn was fragil e.Sh e migrated from l ab to l ab,rel ying on one senior scientist after anoth er to take h er in.Sh e never made more th an$60,000 a year.Sh e struggl ed to raise th e grant funding essential for a scientific career.Kariko said sh e endured ridicul e()f
22、rom university col l eagues for h er pursuit.In 2013,Kariko“was kicked out from UPenn forced to retire”.Th e university tol d h er th at h er work was not of facul ty qual ity,sh e said in an interview.Yet th e scientists commitment to h er work didnt ch ange at al l.“Wh en I was fired,I didnt feel
23、sorry for mysel f,”sh e said.“I h ave to focus al l th e energy on seeking out wh ats next.”In a news conference h el d at UPenn,sh e encouraged young scientists to l ove l earning to sol ve probl ems and to be prepared for fail ure.“You h ave to l earn h ow to h andl e th e fail ure,because most of
24、 th e time,we dont understandwe make an experiment and th e outcome is not wh at we want,”Kariko said.Research ers in Karikos fiel d are ful l of admiration for h er generosity and persistence.“Sh e is real l y th e symbol of perseverance and wh at it takes to be a great research er,”El l iot Bamath
25、 an,a cardiol ogist wh o h ired Kariko,said.24.Wh at was a major contributor to th e cooperation of Kariko and Weissman?A.An accidental encounter.B.Sh ared scientific interest.C.Pursuit of th e Nobel Prize.D.Demand for ph otocopying.25.Wh at can be inferred from th e underl ined sentence in paragrap
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- 江苏省 高考 基地 学校 学年 高三 学期 12 十二 第三次 联考 试题 部分 部份 答案 谜底 试卷 pdf