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1、2024年英国留学邓迪大学申请书范文 英国留学邓迪高校申请书模板 作为英国时尚的“代名词”-伦敦地区,纵使经验过“恐袭”的威逼,但英国伦敦地区的名校,每年也都会吸引多数海内外的学子前去留学深造。这里给大家共享一些英国留学邓迪高校申请书,欢迎阅读! 英国留学邓迪高校申请书 Dear _, Since learning to read from a very young age, literature has been my greatest love. I am fascinated by the impact that written words have on society, and ho
2、w they influence the way that people interpret issues such as war or politics. Literature has shaped our modern world; it is the most diverse subject to study as it encompasses all aspects of life. My passion for reading and writing has encouraged me to write creatively and to read a wide variety of
3、 novels and poetry outside school. I enjoy a broad range of classical and modern literature and my favourite novelists include Jane Austen and Charles Dickens. I have loved studying Chaucer and Blake in school but tend to read more modern poetry at home, including the works of Eliot, Heaney and Plat
4、h. The interpretation of literature from other cultures is pivotal to our exploration and understanding of historical and social contexts throughout the literary world. French literature complements my study of English, for instance the importance of 'courtly love' and the development of poe
5、tic style in each country. I have a great interest in French culture; I enjoy French film and have loved studying the work of Truffaut at A2-level as well as reading a few simple novels at home. My passion for the French culture also extends to my interest in History. This AS-level has not only broa
6、dened my knowledge of French history (I studied the French Wars of Religion for my coursework) but has also enhanced my analytical and essay-writing skills. I also study Psychology and have a great interest in human interaction, which complements and supports my study of literature. In English I hav
7、e developed my writing skills; my comparative and analytical skills have been particularly important for this year's coursework essay, in which I am comparing 'Tess of the d'Urbervilles' by Thomas Hardy and 'The Handmaid's Tale' by Margaret Atwood. I enjoy discussing lite
8、rature and attend a fortnightly reading group at school, which has continued to increase my understanding and enjoyment of the classics and introduced me to several significant modern works. Being able to hold discussions in French has also given me great personal satisfaction. I enjoy my conversati
9、on classes with the language assistant and I recently went on a French exchange to Compiegne. This experience was hugely beneficial in improving my understanding and speaking skills. I spent the week completely immersed in French language and culture; my confidence to speak increased enormously and
10、I came love the country and its traditions all the more. Outside school, I thoroughly enjoy my musical pursuits. I play the French Horn in a Youth Orchestra and intend to take my Grade 8 in 2024; I also sing in a Madrigal Choir. I perform in three to four concerts a year, including the school Christ
11、mas concert; this year I will be playing a movement from Mozart's fourth horn concerto. My interest in music has required good organisational skills, as I helped to run a choir at school for a competition. I thoroughly enjoyed this experience, and it allowed me to develop my leadership skills wh
12、ilst working in a team. My duties as a prefect have also contributed towards these skills; I assist a Year Eight form with a team of other prefects. In July I took part in a World Challenge 'Leadership Day', participating in group activities where each team member had a chance to act as the
13、'leader'. I am also involved in the 'Pyramid' voluntary organisation, which is an after school activity club for children with low self-esteem or mild behavioural problems. In this capacity, I work with a team of three other club leaders, and each week we organise a new activity for
14、the children. I know that I am ideally suited to a joint degree in English and French, and I intend to use my skills and interests in contributing to university activities. I am highly committed to my studies, and look forward to pursuing them in a challenging course at university. Yours sincerely,
15、xuexila 英国留学邓迪高校申请条件 一、英国邓迪高校申请条件 入学要求 剑桥英语证书C;IELTS 6.0(本科)、6.5(硕士);TOEFL 580(机考237)没有获得语言成果的学生可随时参与该校的英语语言课程,学习的时间可依据须要从4周到一年不等,课程起先于1月、7月和9月,在你学习专业课程的同时中心也可供应免费英语支持。 本科申请条件 开学时间:每年9月 申请截至日:每年6月30日;热门专业1月15日 IELTS分数要求:6.0 中学GPA:75.0 预科成果通过本科入学要求 探讨生申请条件 开学时间:每年9月 申请截至日:每年7月23日 IELTS分数要求:6.5 高校GPA:
16、75.0 二、英国邓迪高校学费 费用状况 本科:9200.0 英镑 硕士:9500.0 英镑。 三、英国邓迪高校本科专业 商业和财政数学,经济学,会计,金融,财政经济,建筑,生化,分子生物,市政工程,应用计算机,卡通制作和电子媒介,计算机和识别科学,绘画和油画,生态学,环境管理,环境科学,地理,酒店管理,插图和印刷,机械工程,数学,应用数学,药物化学,应用物理,生理,雕塑,时代艺术,城镇和地区规划等 四、英国邓迪高校探讨生专业 商业经济和市场,经济,会计学及商业金融,生化,建筑,法律,国际法,财政经济,食品和福利探讨,酒店管理,半导体工程,社会工作,哲学,历史,计算机,生物医学工程,医疗技术设
17、计,可再生能源,电路设计及机械,显示技术系统及应用,土木工程,环境管理,建筑企业管理,地震与近海地质技术工程,结构工程。 邓迪高校是苏格兰高校中课程设置最多的一所。学校设有人文与社会科学学院,约旦斯通邓肯学院,法律与会计学院,医学、牙医与护理学院和理工学院。该校有学生12000名(国际留学生超过10%),攻读200多门探讨生,本科课程。其中,计算机,生化,土木工程,设计,美术和电视与影像专业在全英专业排名中均名列前茅。 苏格兰高等教化基金会(SHEFC)监督教学质量和学生服务,报告表明,邓迪高校三分之二的系被教学质量评估达到“优秀”或“特别满足”。毕业生始终保持英国就业记录的高校之一,统计数字
18、表明,邓迪高校毕业生就业率排英国第十名。 英国邓迪高校学校简介 邓迪高校(University of Dundee)是一座坐落于苏格兰邓迪市的公立高校,创立于1881年,除邓迪外它在苏格兰其它地方还有少许探讨所。学校格言(拉丁语):Magnificat anima mea dominum(我的灵魂赞美主)。现有学生18,000人,教职工3000人。 学校在2024年被泰晤士报评为全英教学质量第一名,其中社会服务,生物科技和建筑专业被评为全英前十。另外学校被星期日泰晤士报评为04-05年度苏格兰高校。 从它创办以来大多数历史时间里它是圣安德鲁斯高校联邦的一部分。1967年学校大举扩建后独立,但是
19、保留了它的很多古老习俗和管理结构。独立后它渐渐成长为一个国际出名的教化探讨中心。 高校的主校内位于邓迪的西区,在市区其它地方以及在市外如法夫也有一些设施。邓迪高校的法学、医学、牙科学等传统学业以及一些新兴学业如生命科学和艺术特别出名。 经过100多年的发展,邓迪高校现已发展成为一个拥有七高校院(人文社会科学学院、艺术和设计学院、教化和社会探讨学院、工程及物理学院、法律和财会学院、生命科学学院,以及医学、牙医和护理学院)和12000名学生和3900名教职员工的综合性高校。 邓迪高校在很多领域中的探讨水平都具有世界一流水平,其中最为突出的学科领域包括:生命科学、医学、金融、法律、建筑、艺术与设计、材料科学、工程、会计等。 学校于1998年被授予女王高校年度奖的殊荣。在最近的由英国星期日泰晤士报的高校评比中,邓迪高校因在学科教学质量、毕业生工资收入、学校设施建设等方面的突出表现而荣鹰2024年苏格兰年度高校奖。在全英高校的综合性排名中,邓迪高校位于第30位,这比上一个年度上升了六位,较初次设立英国高校排行榜的1998年上升了18位。 邓迪高校被认为有活力的苏格兰高校地区规划,医学开设专业包括医学、牙医、护理学、助产学与医疗教化等专业。 英国留学邓迪高校申请书范文