《【课件】二十四节气之惊蛰中英双语课件.pptx》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《【课件】二十四节气之惊蛰中英双语课件.pptx(11页珍藏版)》请在淘文阁 - 分享文档赚钱的网站上搜索。
1、The Awakening of Insects惊蛰,是二十四节气中第三个节气。顾名思义,惊蛰意味着冬眠的动物被春雷唤醒,大地上万物复苏。同时,它也预示着气温的升高和降雨量的增加。The Awakening of Insects is the third one of the twenty-four solar terms in a year.The term itself indicates that hibernating animals are being awakened by spring thunder and everything begins to come back to l
2、ife.The Awakening of Insects also foretells a rise in temperature and an increase in rainfall.惊蛰三侯 Three Pentads for the Awakening of Insects惊蛰三侯:一候桃始华,二候仓庚鸣,三候鹰化为鸠Three Pentads for the Waking of Insects are as below:u一候桃始华:Rain begins to fall and peach trees start to bloom in the first pentad.u二候仓庚
3、鸣:Capturing the breath of spring earlier than others,black-napped orioles start to sing for courtship in the second pentad.u三候鹰化为鸠:In the third pentad,eagles return to their original hue and manner-cuckoo birds,their appearance in spring.祭白虎:根据中国古代民间传说,白虎是口舌、是非之神,每年都会在惊蛰时节出来觅食,有时会咬人。据说那些被白虎咬到的人,一生中会
4、遇到邪恶,诸事不顺,运气不佳。因此,人们在惊蛰那天祭白虎,以保护自己。Offering Sacrifices to the White Tiger:According to ancient Chinese folklore,a white tiger is the creature that brings quarrels and disputes.It always begins hunting during the Waking of Insects season,and sometimes bites people.It is said that those who are bitten
5、 by a white tiger will encounter evils in their life that bring obstructions and bad luck,therefore people offer sacrifices to the white tiger on the Waking of Insects Day to protect themselves from being hurt.惊蛰习俗 Traditional Customs钓鱼好时节:惊蛰前后,动物从冬眠中醒来,鱼儿也不例外。他们从深水游到浅水中来觅食,交配和产卵,正是钓鱼的好时机。钓鱼可以带来身心的放
6、松,尤其是对生活在城市里的人。开车来到郊外的湖边,沐浴在阳光下,聆听小鸟的歌唱,享受清新的花香,柳树随风飘扬,春天的周末如此完美。Good Time for Fishing:During the Waking of Insects season,hibernating animals wake up,as are fish.They swim from deep water to shallow water in search of food,mating and bearing young.It is a good time for fishing.Fishing can provide m
7、ental and physical relaxation,especially for people living in the city.Driving to the suburbs,fishing in a lake,bathing in the sunlight,enjoying the singing birds,fragrant flowers and waving willows make for a perfect weekend in spring.惊蛰习俗 Traditional Customs惊蛰吃梨:惊蛰吃梨是一项在中国广为流传的习俗。因为天气转暖,空气变得更加干了,人
8、们感到口干舌燥,这会造成感冒或咳嗽。而梨子甘甜。多汁、清凉,能起到止咳润肺的效果。Eating Pears:EatingpearsaroundtheAwakeningofInsectsisawidely-practicedcustominChina.Astheweathergetswarmerandtheairbecomesdry,peopletendtofeeltheirmouthsareparchedandtonguesdry,whichcancausecoldsandcoughs.Apearissweet,juicyandcold,moisteningthelungstoarrestac
9、ough.惊蛰习俗 Traditional Customs打打“小人小人”:人们经常指派特定的“女巫”(通常是一位老年妇女)去“打小人”。他们用剪出人形的剪纸,代表生活中的“小人”,“女巫”会用鞋子或其他工具去打“纸小人”,驱逐厄运。Beating villains:Peopleoftenassignaspecific“witch”(usuallyanelderlywoman)tobeatthevillains.Theyusepapercutintheshapeofhumanstorepresentvillainsintheirlivesandthewitchwoulduseshoesorot
10、hertoolstohitthepapertoexpelbadluck.惊蛰习俗 Traditional Customs对农民来说,惊蛰是非常重要的一个节气,它被广泛视为一年农忙的开始。中国大部分地区气温在此期间上升最快,平均气温达到10摄氏度以上,并且光照明显增强,为春耕提供了良好的自然条件。The Awakening of Insects season is extremely important for farmers and is widely seen as the beginning of the busy farming season.During this period,mos
11、t parts of China experience the quickest rise in temperature(with the average temperature reaching above 10C)and a marked increase in sunshine,which provides favorable natural conditions for farming.惊蛰农事 Farming During the Time of the Awakening of Insects未过惊蛰先打雷,四十九天云不开。If the first spring thunder c
12、rashes before the Awakening of Insects,there will be an unbroken spell of wet weather for forty-nine days.惊蛰农谚Farming Proverbs for the Awakening of Insects惊蛰春雷响,农夫闲转忙。Spring thunder during the Awakening of Insects season calls on farmers to get busy.过了惊蛰节,春耕不能歇。Once the Awakening of Insects comes,sp
13、ring plowing never rests.惊蛰时节,气候回暖,人们很容易感到困倦、疲乏、无精打采,民间称为“春困”。远离“春困”,要保证充足的睡眠、作息规律并加强锻炼。惊蛰养生Tips for Keeping HealthyWarm weather returns during the Awakening of Insects season so that people are likely to feel drowsy,wary and listless;which is called“spring fever”by the folks.To get rid of this trouble,having sufficient sleep and keeping regular schedule may play an important role.Meanwhile,doing more physical exercises helps a lot as well.Thank you