原版英语RAZ 教案K13-Fishing in the Rain.pdf
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1、Fishing in the RainLesson PlanLeveLK K1 Learning AZ,Inc.All rights reserved.www.readinga-About the BookText Type:Fiction/Fantasy Page Count:12 Word Count:454Book Summaryeven though its raining,the Hoppers set out on a fishing and camping trip with Grandpa Grizzly.The Hoppers begin to cough and sneez
2、e,but before they head back into the tent,Snubby Nose takes a spill into the river!Grandpa Grizzly dives into the water and retrieves Snubby Nose,his fishing pole,and a special surprise.About the LessonTargeted Reading Strategy RetellObjectives Usethereadingstrategyofretellingtounderstandandremember
3、storyevents Sequenceevents Identifyanddiscriminatevoweldigraphai Identifycontractionsandthewordsthatformthem AlphabetizewordstothesecondletterMaterialsGreen text indicates resources available on the website BookFishing in the Rain(copy for each student)Chalkboardordryeraseboard Dictionaries Sequence
4、events,voweldigraphai,contractions worksheets DiscussioncardsIndicatesanopportunityforstudentstomarkinthebook.(Allactivitiesmaybe demonstrated by projecting book on interactive whiteboard or completed with paper and pencil if books are reused.)Vocabulary Content words:cast,comfortable,marshmallows,r
5、eeled,wriggling Before ReadingBuild Background IfstudentshavereadotherHoppersbooks,discusswhattheyrememberaboutthecharacters.Havethemrecallthecharactersandtalkaboutwhattheyrememberabouteachone.Ask:What other adventures have the Hoppers had?ExplainthatthebooktheyareabouttoreadisanotherbookabouttheHop
6、persandthatitispart of a series.Make sure that students understand what a series is,and provide examples of other serial stories that students have read.Askstudentsiftheyhaveeverbeencamping.Ask:What was it like?Where did you sleep?What did you eat?What did you do?What was the weather like?Did the we
7、ather affect your trip?Have them recount their experiences.Fishing in the RainLesson Plan(continued)LeveLK K2 Learning AZ,Inc.All rights reserved.www.readinga-Preview the BookIntroduce the Book Showstudentsthefrontandbackcoversofthebookandreadthetitlewiththem.Askwhatthey think they might read about
8、in a book called Fishing in the Rain.(Acceptallanswersthatstudents can justify.)Showstudentsthetitlepage.Discusstheinformationonthepage(titleofbook,illustratorsname).Askstudentsiftheythinkthisbookisfictionornonfictionandtoexplaintheirreasoning.Introduce the Reading Strategy:Retell Explaintostudentst
9、hatonewaytounderstandandrememberwhattheyarereadingistostopnow and then during reading to retell in their mind what is happening in the story.Explaintostudentsthatwhensomeoneretellssomething,heorsheexplainsthedetailsofwhat happened in order.Point out that people retell stories as part of their daily
10、lives,such as explainingwhathappenedinschooltoastudentwhowasabsent.Askstudentstoshareotherexamples of when people might give a retelling.Modelretellingafamiliarstoryindetail,suchasThe Three Little Pigs.Think-aloud:In The Three Little Pigs,three pigs each decide to build a house.The first pig decides
11、 to make his house out of straw.He gathers all of the materials and builds his house.The second pig decides to build his house out of sticks.He gathers all of the materials and builds his house.The third pig gathers the materials to build his house out of bricks.One day a big,bad wolf comes to the h
12、ouse of the first little pig.He wants the little pig to let him inside and says,“Ill huff and Ill puff,and Ill blow your house down.”Continueretellingindetailtotheendofthestory.Invitestudentstosuggestinformationfortheretelling of this story.Havestudentsplacestickynotesonpages5,8,10,and12.Explainthat
13、astheyread,theyshouldstop on these pages to think about what has happened in the story.encourage students to retell in their mind what happens in the story as they read.Asstudentsread,encouragethemtouseotherreadingstrategiesinadditiontothetargetedstrategy presented in this section.Introduce the Comp
14、rehension Skill:Sequence events Revieworexplainthatstoriesaregenerallytoldinorderfrombeginningtoend.ModelsequencingthemaineventsofthestoryThe Three Little Pigs.Write key words about each event in order on the board as you describe them to students.Think-aloud:If I want someone to be able to retell t
15、he story of The Three Little Pigs,certain events need to be included in order to tell the story correctly.In this story,the first event that happens is that each pigs builds a house:one of straw,one of sticks,and one of bricks.Next,the wolf goes to the straw house and blows it down.Then,the wolf goe
16、s to the stick house and blows it down.Last,the wolf goes to the brick house but cant blow it down.I will write these events on the board in order.Explainthatcertainwordsareoftenusedtoexplainasequenceofevents.Readthelistofeventson the board in order to students,using words such as first,next,then,an
17、d last.Askstudentstoidentifythesetypesofsequencingwordsfromtheexample.Haveavolunteerusethekeywordsontheboardtosequencetheeventsofthestoryoutoforder.Askstudentstoexplainwhytheorderofthestepsisimportant(thesequencedoesnotmake sense out of order).Pointoutthedifferencebetweenthesequenceofeventslistedont
18、heboardandaretellingofThe Three Little Pigs(the retelling contains more detail and description;the list shows only the eventsthataremostimportantforsomeonetounderstandthestory).Askstudentstoprovideexamplesofdetailsfromthestorythatarenotincludedinthesequenceofevents.Fishing in the RainLesson Plan(con
19、tinued)LeveLK K3 Learning AZ,Inc.All rights reserved.www.readinga-Introduce the Vocabulary Asyoupreviewthebook,askstudentstotalkaboutwhattheyseeintheillustrationsandusethevocabularytheywillencounterinthetext.Reinforcenewvocabularybyincorporatingitintothediscussion of the illustrations.Writetheconten
20、tvocabularywordsontheboard.Pointouttostudentsthatmostofthewordsare multisyllabic words,or words that have more than one syllable.Have students identify which of the content words have more than one syllable.Model how to break the words into syllable“chunks”for easier reading.Modelthestrategiesstuden
21、tscanusetoworkoutwordstheymightnotknow.Forexample,point to the word marshmallowsonpage4.Coverupthesecondhalfoftheword(mallow)and model using the familiar word part marsh.Thenaskquestionssuchas:What treat might get soggy on a wet camping trip?What food word begins with m?What word would look right,so
22、und right,and make sense in this sentence?Set the Purpose HavestudentsreadtofindoutwhathappenswhentheHopperchildrendontlistentotheirparents.Remindthemtostopaftereverysectiontoretellintheirmindwhattheyhaveread.During ReadingStudent Reading Guide the reading:Havestudentsreadtotheendofpage5.Iftheyfinis
23、hbeforeeveryoneelse,have them go back and reread.Modelretellingtheeventsofthestoryusingtheillustrationsasaguide.Think-aloud:I stopped after a few pages to retell in my mind what I had read so far.First,I read that the Hoppers had one week until school started.They were supposed to go camping,but it
24、was raining very hard.Grandpa Grizzly wanted to go camping anyway.The children said that the tent would get wet,they wouldnt be able to build a fire,the hot dogs and marshmallows would get soggy,and it wouldnt be any fun.But Grandpa Grizzly said thats when the fish bite the best,and he gave them all
25、 new fishing poles.Remindstudentsthataretellingincludesdetailanddescriptionabouttheeventsofastory,whileasequenceofeventslistsonlythemostimportanteventsthatsomeonewouldneedtoknowtotell the story correctly.Writethefollowingeventsontheboard:The Hoppers wanted to go camping,but it was raining.Grandpa Gr
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- 原版英语RAZ 教案K13-Fishing in the Rain 原版 英语 RAZ 教案 K13 Fishing