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1、Unitl How can we become good learners?How I Learned to Learn Eng Ii shLast year, I d i d not I i ke my Engl i sh c I ass. Every c I ass was I i ke a bad dream. The teacher spoke too quicklyo But I was afraid to ask questions because my pronunciat ion was very bad. So I just hid behind my textbook an
2、d never sa i d anyth i ng.Then one day I watched an Engl ish movie cal led Toy Story. I feI I in Iove with th i s exciting and funny mov i e! So then I began to watch other Engl i sh mov i es as we I Io Although I couId not understand everyth i ng the characters said, thei r body Ianguage and the ex
3、press ions on thei r faces he I ped me to get the mean i ngo I a I so rea I i zed I cou I d get the mean i ng by I i stem i ng for just the key words. My pronunc iat ion a I so improved by I i sten i ng to the i interest i ng conversat i ons i n Eng I i sh mov i es. I d i scovered that I i sten i ng
4、 to someth i ng you are i nterested i n i s the secret to I anguage I earn i ng. I a I so learned useful sentences I i ke It s a piece of cake or “It serves you r i ght. I did not understand these sentences at first。 But because I wanted to understand the story, I Iooked up the words in a dict ionar
5、yoNow I rea I I y enjoy my Eng I i sh c I ass. I want to I earn new words and more grammaro Then I can have a better understanding of Engl ish moviesoP6 2bHow Can You Become a SuccessfuI Learner?Everyone i s born with the ab i I i ty to I earn. But whether or not you can your norma I I ifeo You can
6、never imagine how difficult the road to success i s. Many times I thought about gi v i ng up, but I fought ono You rea I I y requ i re a lot of ta I ent and hard work to succeedo On Iy a very sma I I number of peop Ie make it to the topo P30 2bHe Used to Cause a Lot of TroubleLi Wen i s a norma I 15
7、-yearoI d boy who works hard i n schoo I and gets good grades. It i s hard to be I i eve that he used to be a “problem child” unt i I a conversation with h i s parents i nfIuenced h i s way of th i nk i ngo L i Wen I ives in the Sichuan countryside. As a smaII child, he seIdom gave his parents any p
8、rob Iems, and they were proud of h imo However, , the boy s I ife became more difficult。 He had to move i n with h i s grandmother.Li Wen began to cause prob Iems for h imseIf and h i s fami Iy. He was no I onger i interested i n study ingo He was oft en absent from c I asses, and he fai led his exa
9、minationso Final Iy, his parents made a decision to send him to a boarding schooI o Li Wen no longer I ived with his grandmother. He studied, ate and sI ept at the schooI, and he hated it. There were so many rules, and he used to keep break i ng themo One day, he to I d h i s teacher he wanted to I
10、eave the schooIoThe head teacher advi sed h i s parents to ta I k with thei r son i n person。 His parents took a 40-hour train r ide and a f i vehour bus r ide to go back to thei r hometown. To Li Wen s surpr i se, thei r conversat ion changed h i s I i feo “It was exact Iy what I needed, he sa i d.
11、 My parents he I ped meto understand how muchthey had given meoThey a I so to I d me that even thoughtheycouldn11be there to take care ofme, they were alwaysthinking ofme and wouId take pr ide in everything good that I dido . I reaI ized thats i nee myparentsmoved away, I ve been afra i d of be i ng
12、a I one,andhavetr i ed tomake myparents pay moreattent i on to me. He has been work i ng hard and i s now one of the best students in hi s cIasso Hi s parents Iove has made him fee I good about himseIfo “Its very important for parents to be there for the i r children,“ Li Wen saysoP31 2ebe proud of/
13、take pride inmake a decision/decidenot like/hateno longer/not. anymorechange/influencelook after/take care ofLi Wen i s a good student, son and grandson. However, he used to cause a lot of troub Ie for hi s parentso When hi s parents moved to work in anothercity, they cou Id not be at home to himo S
14、o he wasi interested i n study i ng and mi ssed c I asses. Then h i s parents to sendhim to a boarding schooI and he it。 In the end, his teacher advisedh i s parents to ta I k with the i r son and th i s conversat ion h i s I ifeo He reaI ized that his parents wouId everything good that hedido Now h
15、e is one of the best students in his cIassoUnit5 What are the sh i rts made of?The Difficult Search for Amer i can Goods i n the USI f you go to another country, what k i nds of th i ngs wou I d you buy? Wou I d you buy a camera in Japan, some beautifuI cIothes in France, or a watch i n Switzer I an
16、d? No matter what you may buy, you might probab I y th i nk those products were made i n those countr ieso However, you cou Id be wrong. Kang Jian is a 17yearoId student from Shanghai o Last year he went to visit his aunt and uncIe in San Francisco. He found it interesting that so many products i n
17、the I oca I shops were made i n Ch i na. I wanted to buy a toy car for my cousin, but even though most of the toys had Amer ican brands, they were made i n Ch i na.”Toys are not the on I y th i ngs made i n China. I wanted to buy a pa i r of basketba I I shoes, ” he exp I a i nso “But I had to visit
18、 five or six stores before finding a pa i r made i n America!” He reaIi zed that Amer i cans can hard Iy avoid buy i ng products made i n Ch i nao “In fact, n he cont i nues, “there are so many th i ngs made i n Ch i na footba Ils, handbags, pet food, mobi Ie phones. Even Amer ican f Iags are made i
19、n China!11 Kang Jian thinks it s great that China i s so good at making these everyday things. However, he wishes that in the future China wi I I a I so get better at making h i ghtechno Iogy products that peopIe can buy i n a I I parts of the worIdoP38 2bBeauty i n Common Th i ngsEach different par
20、t of China has its own special forms of traditional art. These usua I I y try to show the th i ngs that are important i n I i fe such as I ove, beauty and fami I yo The most common things, from paper to c I ay to bamboo, are turned i nto objects of beauty.Accord i ng to Ch i nese h i story, sky Iant
21、erns were first used by Zhuge Kongmi ngo He sent them out to ask for he Ip when i n troubIe. Today, sky Ianterns are used at fest i vaIs and other ceI ebrat i ons. They are made of bamboo and covered with papero When the Ianterns are I it, they slowly r i se i nto the a i r I i ke sma I I hota i r b
22、a I I oons for a I I to see. They are seen as br ight symboIs of happ i ness and good wi shesoPaper cutt ing has been around for over 1, 500 yearso Paper cutt i ng sounds very easy but it can be difficult to do. The paper, usua I I y red, i s foI ded before it i s cut with scissors. The most common
23、p i ctures are f I owers, fish, animal s, and th i ngs about Ch i nese h i story o Dur i ng the Spr i ng Fest i va I, they are put on windows, doors and walls as symboI s of wi shes for good I uck and a happy new year.Ch i nese c I ay art i s famous because the c I ay p i eces are so sma I I but the
24、y Iook very reaI. The pieces are usuaI Iy cute chi Idren or I iveIy characters froma Ch i nese fa i ry ta I e or h i stor i ca I story. The p i eces are carefu I I y shaped by hand from a very spec i a I kind of clay and then a I I owed to a i rdry o After drying, they are f i red at a very h i gh h
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