The Golden Girls《黄金女郎(1985)》第三季第十一集完整中英文对照剧本.docx
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1、谢谢你做我的朋友Thank you for being a friend.旅行数日后又重回此处Traveled down the road and back again.你的心是如此真诚Your heart is true.你是我的贴心好友Youre a pal and a confidante.若你要开个派对And if you threw a party.邀请所有熟人到场Invited everyone you knew.你将发现最好的礼物是我送出的You would see the biggest gift would be from me.贺卡上将会写着And the card att
2、ached would say.感谢你与我为友“Thank you for being a friend黄金女郎第三季第十一集哦你好我们和阿什莉医生约好两点见面Oh, hello. We have a 2:00 appointment with Dr. Ashley.我叫兹博纳克The name is Zbornak.我不叫兹博纳克我叫德弗罗My names not Zbornak. My name is Devereaux.但预约的是以兹博尔纳克的名义But the appointment is in the name of Zbornak.为什么写你名字?去咨♥询&heart
3、s;是我的主意Why your name? It was my idea to get counseling.把兹博纳克的预约改成尼伦德Take the appointment for Zbornak and change it to Nylund.您满意吗?You satisfied?应该写德弗罗名字The appointment should be under Devereaux.-写尼伦德-改回兹博纳克-Under Nylund. - Change it back to Zbornak.你们要不先做个数学题然后通知心理医生Put it under Lipschitz and buzz t
4、he head shrinker.这里出状况了-Is that signed Doug? - Yes.我认识他他有病I know him. Hers a sick man.很抱歉把事情搞混了再见Well, Im terribly sorry for this mix-up. Good-bye.我的天啊!我真不敢相信!Oh, my God! I donrt believe this!你再不出去我就叫警♥察♥了你个变♥态♥!Im going to call the cops if you dont get out of here, you p
5、ervert!嗨罗西神父Hi, Father Rossi.这是给穷♥人♥的罐头食品Heres the canned goods for the needy.哦不Oh, no.哦非常抱歉Oh, Im terribly sorry.I promise I will say Hail Marys until Madonna has a hit movie.我保证在麦当娜出大热电影之前会一直说圣母万岁嗨这是我的8美元我们开始吧桃乐茜Hi. Heres my $8.00. Letrs get started, Dorothy.哦我不是桃乐茜她是Oh, Im not Dorot
6、hy. She is.我给你4美元开始吧PH give $4.00. Lets get started.你希望你的屁♥股♥被踢到街对面吗?How would you like your rear end kicked across the street?这么好吗!这是剩下的4美元!Great! Heres the other $4.00!姐♥妹♥4♥Girls! Girls!外面有一车希腊水手There is a busload of Greek sailors out front.想知道8美元等于多少德拉克马They wa
7、nna know how many drachma there are in $8.00.结果虽然不好但是是无心之过It didn*t turn out well, but it was an honest mistake.再说了也有好事发生啊Besides, something good came out of it.我们学会了做羊肉串We learned to make souvlaki.萝丝你一直在做各种蠢事Rose, you do this kind of stupid thing all the time.如果你没做什么蠢事If youre not doing something s
8、tupid,那你肯定也穿得很难看或者做了难吃的东西youre wearing something stupid or cooking something stupid.萝丝你怎么看布兰琪说这些话?Rose, what do you think of Blanche saying these things?我想她是一个garconanokinI think shes a garconanokin.到底是什么意思?What exactly does that mean?字面意思是她就是一坨狗屎Literally, it*s the precise moment when dog doo turns
9、 white.一般来说是指那种But in general, it refers to the kind of person你一接触就会变成流氓的人you don*t wanna share your hoogencoggles with.萝丝如果你再多说一句蠢话Rose, if you say one more of those stupid words.你说话就跟啸口崩放屁一样Blow it out your tubenburbles!如果我还要和她再住一个星期If I have to live with her one more week.女士们女士们拜托Ladies! Ladies,
10、please!我们这样不会有很大进展的We*re not going to get anything more accomplished除非咱们坐下来冷静理性地讨论这个问题unless you sit down, take it easy and discuss this rationally用正儿八经英语说using only English words.现在我们谈到了萝丝谈到了布兰琪Now, we talked about Rose. We talked about Blanche.没人提过桃乐茜Nobody has said a word about Dorothy.她们害怕她They*
11、re afraid of her.不是怕她但我们确实对她有意见We are not. But we do have a problem with her.桃乐茜是做了什么破坏关系的事吗?What specifically is it about Dorothy that is disruptive to the household? 没什么特别的就是她那个态度太差劲 Its nothing specific. Its her entire general attitude. 对就像几周前之前星期那样Yeah, like that time a couple weeks ago, week be
12、fore last. 请进Come in.嗨桃乐茜Hi, Dorothy.嗨萝丝学习得怎么样了?-Oh, hi, Rose. - Hows the studying going?还有很多呢还得有一会呢I have a lot to cover. Tm gonna be up for a while.-好的我会陪你的-我不想有人陪-Okay. Til keep you company. -1 don*t want any company. 就当我不在这儿好了Just pretend Im not here.哦太好了睡衣派对介意我和你们一起吗?Oh, goody. A slumber party.
13、 Mind if I join you?你们俩有什么毛病?What is the matter with you two?这怎么了Somethings the matter?我要看到你们把手放在毯子上!Okay, I wanna see six hands above that blanket right now! 我们和桃乐茜在一起是因为我们害怕The only reason were in bed with Dorothy is. we*re scared. 害怕?怕啥?Scared? Of what?桃乐茜你别笑我们害怕外星人Dorothy, dont you laugh, but. w
14、ere scared of the aliens. 我跟你说们过多少次了别叫他们“外星人”How many times have I told you not to call them the aliens? 他们是钟家的人他们人很好They are the Chungs, and they happen to be very nice.他们可不好他们吃狗肉They*re not very nice. They eat dogs.妈他们不吃狗肉的Ma, they do not eat dogs.行吧那就是碰巧看见他们在草坪上撒尿了Right. Itrs just a coincidence t
15、hat not one ever pees on their lawn. 妈你瞎编的Ma, you made that up.索菲娅反正我们也不是在说他们Sophia, were not talking about them anyway.我们说的是来自太空的外星人We*re talking about aliens from space.哦那些外星人滚出去你们两个!Oh, those aliens. Get out, both of you!求求你了萝丝和我租了电影异形Have a heart. Rose and I rented that movie Aliens, 把我们吓得半死and
16、it just scared us half to death.也吓到我了西格妮韦弗是个可爰的女孩Scared me, too. That Sigourney Weavers a sweet girl, 但她真的不应该素颜演戏but she really shouldnt go without makeup.我没功夫听你们说这个I dont have time for this!我明天早上有考试Now, I have my education exam tomorrow morning.你要把我们赶出去? 萝丝我得学习-Youre kicking us out? - Rose, I have
17、to study.这才是我的桃乐茜总是埋头读书Thats my Dorothy. Always with her nose in a book.不像你弟弟菲尔总是去脏衣篮里闻来闻去Unlike your brother Phil; who was with his nose in the dirty clothes hamper.我真不敢相信你会这么冷血I cannot believe you would be so cold-blooded 在你最亲爱的朋友需要帮助的时候抛弃他们 as to cast out your two dearest friends in this, their t
18、ime of need. 我真不敢相信你们两个这么不体谅别人I cant believe that the two of you are so inconsiderate 就会用一些荒谬的事情来打扰我 you would disturb me with something ridiculous 你知道我的考试有多重要 when you know how important my exam is.如果我不及格我就不能加薪就这样吧都出去-If I dont pass, I dont get my raise. - That*s it. Everybody out. 索菲亚,我们很害怕!Sophia
19、, were scared!我还担心我们吃不起肉了Fm scared we wont be able to afford meat on the table. 你想和钟家的人一样吃狗肉吗?出去!出去!You wanna wind up swapping recipes with the Chungs? Out! Out! .女士们我不太明白-Ladies, Tm not sure I understand.-还想怎么着给你加字幕吗?-What do you want, subtitles?我的意思是桃乐茜也不是不讲道理What I mean is Dorothy was perfectly r
20、easonable. 她非常有耐心She was more than patient.是啊所以我才受够她了Exactly. And Ive had it up to here with her. 和一个总是形影不离的人住在一起很不容易 Its not easy living with somebody whos always so together. 她效率高处理事情井井有条Shes so efficient, so organized.甚至支票簿也要平衡收支She even balances her checkbook.从什么时候开始对自己负责也算犯罪了?Since when is comp
21、etence a crime?听着不能怪桃乐茜有能力Look, Dorothy cannot be blamed for being capable.但她不用对我们颐指气使She doesnt have to lord it over us 批评我们没有达到她的标准 and criticize us for not living up to her standards. 她总是唠叨我们要把每件事都做好Shes always harping on us to do everything just right.我是觉得她出门前竟然都不会检查我们的内♥裤♥Im surpr
22、ised she doesnt check our underwear before we leave the house. 那些穿着内♥裤♥的人 Those of you who wear underwear. 也许我是一个完美主义者也许我确实负责任 Maybe I am a perfectionist and maybe I do take charge, 但如果我不这样做我们整个家就会分崩离析 but if I did not, our whole household would fall apart.告诉你吧医生To tell you the truth,
23、Doctor,我是把这些女人凝聚在一起的粘合剂Im the glue that keeps these women together,我完全没有被她们重视and I am totally unappreciated.哦妈妈算了吧Oh, Ma, please!你也许很聪明但我更聪明Look, you may be smart, but Im wise.当遇到真正的问题时我是那个最终解决问题的人When it comes to a real problem,Im the one who has to set it straight.让我给你讲个故事医生Let me tell you a littl
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- 黄金女郎1985 The Golden Girls黄金女郎1985第三季第十一集完整中英文对照剧本 Girls 黄金 女郎 1985 第三 第十一 完整 中英文 对照 剧本