原版英语RAZ 教案Joe Kittinger - An Unsung Hero_LP.pdf
《原版英语RAZ 教案Joe Kittinger - An Unsung Hero_LP.pdf》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《原版英语RAZ 教案Joe Kittinger - An Unsung Hero_LP.pdf(6页珍藏版)》请在淘文阁 - 分享文档赚钱的网站上搜索。
1、Joe Kittinger:An Unsung Hero Lesson PlanLEVELWW Learning AZ All rights reserved.www.readinga-About the Book Text Type:Nonfiction/Biography Page Count:24 Word Count:1,626 Book SummaryJoe Kittinger is a man of extraordinary courage who made important contributions to the field of space exploration.Stu
2、dents will learn about Kittingers work with high-altitude balloons and incredible acts of bravery that benefited both pilots and astronauts.Photographs support the text.About the LessonTargeted Reading Strategy AskandanswerquestionsObjectives Usethereadingstrategyofaskingandansweringquestionstounder
3、standtext Sequenceeventsofapersonslife Understandandusehyphenatedcompoundadjectives FluentlyreadnumberswithinthetextMaterialsGreen text indicates resources available on the website BookJoe Kittinger:An Unsung Hero(copy for each student)Chalkboardordryeraseboard KWLS,vocabulary,sequenceevents,compoun
4、dadjectivesworksheets Discussion cardsIndicatesanopportunityforstudentstomarkinthebook.(Allactivitiesmaybe demonstratedbyprojectingbookoninteractivewhiteboardorcompletedwith paper and pencil if books are reused.)Vocabulary Contentwords:Story critical:accelerated(v.),aeronautics(n.),altitude(n.),host
5、ile(adj.),invaluable(adj.),obsessed(adj.)Enrichment:cosmonaut(n.),elongated(adj.),gondola(n.),near-fatal(adj.),solitary confinement(n.),stratosphere(n.)Before Reading Build Background Writethewordheroontheboard.Askstudentstosharewhattheyknowaboutthemeaning of the word and what they think the charact
6、eristics of a hero are.WritethenameJoe Kittinger on the board.Invite students to share what they know about this person.Explain that Joe Kittinger is considered a hero in the field of space exploration.CreateaKWLSchartontheboardandhandouttheKWLS worksheet.Review or explain that the K stands for know
7、ledge we know,the W stands for information we want to know,the L stands for the knowledgewelearned,andtheSstandsforwhatwestillwanttoknowaboutthetopic.Asvarioustopics are discussed,fill in the first column(K)on the board with information students know about Joe Kittinger and space exploration.Have st
8、udents complete the same section of their KWLS worksheet.1Joe Kittinger:An Unsung HeroLesson Plan(continued)LEVELWW Learning AZ All rights reserved.www.readinga- AskstudentswhattheywouldliketoknowaboutJoeKittinger.Havethemfillinthesecondcolumn(W)oftheirworksheet.Writetheirquestionsontheclasschart.Pr
9、eview the BookIntroduce the Book Givestudentstheircopyofthebook.Guidethemtothefrontandbackcoversandreadthetitle.Have students discuss what they see on the covers.Encourage them to offer ideas as to what type of book it is and what it might be about.Showstudentsthetitlepage.Discusstheinformationonthe
10、page(titleofbook,authorsname.)Introduce the Reading Strategy:Ask and answer questions Discusshowhavingpriorknowledgeaboutthetopic,andaskingandansweringquestionswhilereading,can help readers understand and remember the information in a book.Directstudentstothetableofcontents.Remindthemthatthetableofc
11、ontentsprovidesanoverviewoftheinformationinabookandhowitisorganized.Afterpreviewingthetableofcontents,useittomodelaskingquestions.Think-aloud:I can use the table of contents to think of questions I would like to have answered about Joe Kittinger.For example,the third section is titled“Joe Sets Anoth
12、er Record.”The word Another leads me to believe that Joe set more than one record.I wonder what types of records he set.I can tell by the use of the word set in the sentence that the word record does not mean a disk on which music is copied or to copy someones voice.I wonder how old he was when he s
13、et them.Ill have to read the book to find out.Ill write these questions on the chart.Havestudentslookattheothersectiontitles.Havethemwriteanyquestionstheyhave,basedonthe covers and table of contents,in the W column of their KWLS worksheet.Havestudentspreviewtherestofthebook,lookingatphotographsandca
14、ptions.Showstudentstheglossaryandindex.HavethemaddanyadditionalquestionstheymighthaveontheirKWLSworksheet.Invitestudentstosharetheirquestionsaloud.Writesharedquestionsonthe class chart.Asstudentsread,encouragethemtouseotherreadingstrategiesinadditiontothetargetedstrategy presented in this section.In
15、troduce the Comprehension Skill:Sequence events Revieworexplainthatbiographiesarestoriesabouttheeventsofapersonslife.Theseeventsare generally told in order from beginning to end.Modelsequencingmajoreventsinyourlife.Writekeywordsabouteacheventinorderontheboard as you describe them to students.Think-a
16、loud:If I want someone to be able to tell the story of my life,certain events need to be included in order to tell the story correctly.The first event that happened is that I was born.The next important event was that I started school.Then,I learned how to drive a car.After that,I graduated from hig
17、h school.Continuetellingeventsasapplicabletoyourlife.I will write these events on the board in order.Explainthatcertainwordsareoftenusedtoexplainasequenceofevents.Readinorderthelistof events on the board to students,using words such as first,next,then,and last.Askstudentstoidentifythesetypesofsequen
18、cingwordsfromtheexample.Haveavolunteerusethekeywordsontheboardtosequencetheeventsofyourlifeoutoforder.Askstudentstoexplainwhytheorderoftheeventsisimportant(thesequencedoesnotmake sense out of order).Pointouttostudentsthatthesequenceofeventslistedontheboardshowsonlytheeventsthatwere most important an
19、d/or most memorable in your life.It does not include all the details of a retelling.2Joe Kittinger:An Unsung HeroLesson Plan(continued)LEVELWW Learning AZ All rights reserved.www.readinga-Introduce the Vocabulary Asstudentspreviewthebook,askthemtotalkaboutwhattheyseeinthephotographs.Reinforce the vo
20、cabulary words they will encounter in the text.Writethefollowingcontentvocabularywordsontheboard:aeronautics,altitude,and stratosphere.Explaintostudentsthatmostofthetime,goodreadersusecontextcluestohelpfigureoutthe meaning of an unfamiliar word in the text.However,sometimes they will not find enough
21、 contextcluestoclearlydefinetheunfamiliarword.Modelhowstudentscanusetheglossaryora dictionary to locate a words meaning.Have a volunteer read the definition for aeronautics in the glossary.Have students follow along on page 19 as you read the sentence in which the word aeronautics is found to confir
22、m the meaning of the word.Havestudentslocateeachoftheremainingcontentvocabularywordsintheglossary.Readanddiscuss their definitions as a class.Independent practice:Introduce,explain,and have students complete the vocabulary worksheet.If time allows,discuss their answers.Set the Purpose Havestudentsth
23、inkaboutwhattheyalreadyknowaboutJoeKittingerandspaceexploration astheyreadthebooktofindanswerstotheirquestions,andtowritewhattheylearnedinthe L column of their KWLS worksheet.Remind students to also think about the events of Joes life as they read.During Reading Student Reading Guide the reading:Hav
24、e students read to the end of page 13.Remind them to look for information aboutJoeKittingerthatwillanswerquestionsontheirKWLSworksheet.Encourage students who finish early to go back and reread.Whenstudentshavefinishedreading,havethemcircleanyquestionsontheirKWLSworksheetthatwereanswered.Askstudentst
25、owriteanswersforthequestionstheycircledintheL column ontheirKWLSworksheetandadditionalquestionstheyraisedinthe W column.Modelansweringaquestionandfillinginthethirdcolumn(L)on the KWLS chart.Think-aloud:I wanted to know what types of records Joe Kittinger set and when he set them.So far,I learned abo
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- 原版英语RAZ 教案Joe Kittinger An Unsung Hero_LP 原版 英语 RAZ 教案 Joe