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1、1 作者:孙三五(公众号:飚记英语)2024 高考英语考前冲刺:读后续写的最后一讲高考英语考前冲刺:读后续写的最后一讲作者:孙三五(江苏南京)(注:可以只看 1-2 页,后面几页是具体分类的语言描写规律,有时间浏览即可)好的读后续写一定包含:1.合乎逻辑的主题和情节合乎逻辑的主题和情节情节不要觉得太简单不敢写,读后续写强调的是故事完整和符合逻辑,绝不是情节的曲折和动人有趣(那是语文作文)。有的同学觉得简单写不长,你试试看:几个心理情绪描写就能拓展 20个词了。加上动作描写,只会超出词数的。我们的读后续写说到底是看你的英语造句和成文的基本我们的读后续写说到底是看你的英语造句和成文的基本功的功的(
2、即即:把句子写准确把句子写准确,把情节写完整符合逻辑把情节写完整符合逻辑,就就至少至少 17+)。(但 21+的作文会看出学生的文学功底的,显出思维和语言的灵动活力。)近年来,读后续写第二段开始出现纯粹感悟式,这才是棘手的,因为要写的情节第一段都写完了,这个时候就不要硬塞进去情节动作描写,把你的感悟分类,譬如先感悟从文中涉及到的情节中学到什么(譬如感慨要不是他,这个事情就不会圆满完成),然后感悟升华(譬如未来自己也要如此,简单举个例子)2.合适的情绪描写合适的情绪描写(体现丰富的句式:非谓语;形容词短语作状语等)3.动作连动动作连动4.过渡时间体现出的连贯过渡时间体现出的连贯和应用文一样的道理
3、。应用文的连贯衔接体现在 so,therefore 等,而读后续写除此之外,很大一部分依靠时间推进词语。5.主题特别重要主题特别重要,可惜太多的学生走马观花,文章都没看完看懂就写,那纯粹是白费劲。不少学生第一段下了很多功夫雕琢,到了第二段泄气了,写不下去了,于是匆忙结束,就连书写都远不如第一段。这很傻啊!阅卷老师重点看的就是第二段,尤其是看你结尾,结尾的主题就能看出你是不是看懂了文章。聪明的考生都知道结尾很多时候是:1.照应前面的线索照应前面的线索(主题在文章中大都能找到线索的,尤其是前面两段),譬如高考题考过母亲节到了,孩子准备妈妈母亲节的惊喜。开头都这样了,那么结尾就是这是最难忘的母亲节惊
4、喜照应,至于如何照应,方法多了,或者自然结尾,譬如我和爸爸相视一笑,永远珍藏这个惊喜背后的秘密,或者感悟式,从妈妈角度或从我的角度都可以,这是最难忘的母亲节,不仅仅是给了妈妈的意外的惊喜,还有我们体会到的家庭的爱;2.或者顺着线索去或者顺着线索去拓展拓展,不只是照应,还要推进,譬如我一开始不喜欢写作,然后老师鼓励我写,并获奖,结尾是 Inever stopped pursuing my passion for writing,这就是顺势推进。不过总体上,第一种最多,即照应线索为主,根据情节的需要决定是否升华,这种升华要自然,千万不要无中生有,无病呻吟,现在的读后续写阅卷越来越反套路了,因为都卷
5、起来了,就必然返璞归真,这是写作的进步。请看这几年的结尾(11 套卷):1.Now,shes adapted to high school life and everything beyond that,certainly with the help of her special trick.2.We could never have imagined that my Halloween story could cause chain effects of fun-positiveresponses,heartfelt comfort and so on.Above all,so many p
6、eople find such empathy with us!3.It is kindness that makes every cloud have a silver lining.4.Mother bit into a sandwich and said it was the best she had ever tasted.Jeff immediately wanted to have a bite.Jenna caught her fathers eye and they winked at each other secretly.5.And despite the challeng
7、es of writing in a second language,I never stopped pursuing my passion for writing.6.That day,David got a special award for his courage.He also got respect of all students.To him,that was wortha whole lot more than an award.7.Dad was wrong.It was not the job but his silent love and selflessness,whic
8、h I might never surpass,that helpedme grow up.8.Honestly,it was the first time that I had heard him laugh.I knew we achieved something more satisfying thanan Aa life-long friendship.9.Since then,I have been reaching out to those in need,just like the Mexican family,paying the kindnessforward.10.Ever
9、y time I thought of the time I spent in the chicken soup,I knew it was a really good thing to do.11.The hummingbird was lucky to have encountered my help,but I was even luckier to receive such a special giftfrom nature.2 作者:孙三五(公众号:飚记英语)最后说一下语言。我一开始说几个心理情绪描写就能拓展 20 个词了,这可能会给人误解:是不是尽量堆砌情绪高级句子?大错特错。近年
10、来,此类辅助材料太多,学生就一股脑堆砌,让阅卷让阅卷老师读完后的感觉是老师读完后的感觉是:只见描写只见描写,不见情节不见情节。请大家记住请大家记住,语言是为情节服务的语言是为情节服务的,一般而言,你的情绪描写也只是情节的一个部分,但不是全部。建议越简单易懂越好,现在阅卷老师对高级情绪描写并不偏爱了,所以不会因为它们来加分。现在的读后续写的描写多温和类动作,看不到猛烈动作和极端消极情绪了,请大家看副本具体规律总结(来不及看就不要看了,能用对已有的词汇就可以,譬如你要写:我非常感激。想不到好句子,就说 He was greatly grateful.这个句子就非常好了,丝毫不比 His eyes
11、sparkled with gratitude差)常用的常用的温和类词汇:温和类词汇:1.看一看(看一看(各种情绪都可以通过看的动作来体现)(1)look at/stare at sb.with delight/in surprise/in horror/in amazed disbelief/indisappointment(with 或 in 都可以互用)cast a happy/nervous/glance at sb(2)感情词+in ones eyes(独立主格句),主句He pat her on the shoulder,joy in his eyes.或 Eyes shining
12、/sparkling with+积 极 感 情 词(happiness,joy)如果是消极的,用 eyes filled with或者 his face clouded with(这还是独立主格,如果完整的句子是:sadness clouded his face 或 his face was clouded with sadness)(3)其它:Tears of gratitude streaming down his face(独立主格句)His eyes got misted/wet.眼湿润了。2.笑一笑:笑一笑:smiles spread across his face(如果用独立主格结
13、构 spreading)spread 一般过去时同原形比较安全的是:be overwhelmed with写情绪不要夸张,譬如害怕紧张:写情绪不要夸张,譬如害怕紧张:普通害怕:Fear crept on my heart.I have butterflies in my stomach.非常紧张:My hands were sweating and my legs were shaking.表示惊讶,是不是必须 My jaws dropped,那是特别惊讶,否则一般的就是:look at sb in disbelief表示被触动:be shocked/moved by有时候,情感描写是组合拳的
14、,但不要超过 3 个,譬如:I looked at him in amazed disbelief,my eyes shining with tears of gratitude.我必须再强调一句:读后续写不是感情描写的堆砌,也不是生僻词汇或小说里好词好句的照搬,只要你有就可以了,重点还是情节和主题。3.想一想想一想:这个部分可以不用引号,:这个部分可以不用引号,可以可以用疑问句、感叹句。用疑问句、感叹句。动作连动:动作连动:读后续写很常用的细节动词:和手有关:抱(hug:hug sb tightly=give sb a tight hug),拍(pat sb on the head/shou
15、lder),推(push),摸(stroke),拉:pull sb aside;pull sb in ones armsthrow/castat扔;grab 抓;hold 握着;hand 递给;catch 接;swing(过去式:swung)挥舞(也可以说 wave)at;和腿有关:inch 慢慢走+to the door;struggle to ones feet 艰难站起来;jump to ones feet 跳起来;stagger 蹒跚(这个词不及物动词,稍微超纲,也可以用);dash to 飞奔过去;其它动作:turn around 转过身;stick out(过去式 stuck)on
16、es head 伸出头;jump at 朝扑过去;exclaim 大声说;murmur 喃喃道;sigh in great relief遗憾的是,有很多同学是汉语构思时,想到了很多 powerful expressions,但无法用英语表达,于是硬编,大忌!你需要根据已有的你需要根据已有的熟悉熟悉动词去配上动作动词去配上动作,好比根据已有的食材去做菜好比根据已有的食材去做菜,而不是根而不是根据想象中的动作去找动词据想象中的动作去找动词,你会做满汉全席,但你手头上就豆腐青菜,你怎么搞?你只能把豆腐青菜做到极品。写好后,不要和同学一对答案,发现自己的主题似乎不大好而沮丧,没有必要,只要你的逻辑和文
17、章逻辑对接也没问题的。3 作者:孙三五(公众号:飚记英语)副本:副本:(说明:语言总结来自真题和近一年的优秀模拟题 140 套,真题范文来自新高考英语写作王中王,版权所有)近五年读后续写分为四类:问题解决问题解决;困难克服困难克服;态度转变态度转变;人和有灵生物人和有灵生物一、一、人和有灵生物人和有灵生物(动物、昆虫、鸟、鱼)(动物、昆虫、鸟、鱼)(考到的可能性最大)(考到的可能性最大)1.蜂鸟被救后(直接写)(浙江:具体写我的感受)A few weeks later,I went to the farm again.I was just about to leave when the hum
18、mingbird appeared.2.海豚藏东西的秘密被发现(间接写)(九省联考)“This is Mayas secret,”Hilda said with a big smile.Now Katherine realized what had been going on.规律总结:分为三种情况规律总结:分为三种情况1.动物和人的和谐关系动物和人的和谐关系,情节情节:描写偶遇以及它们的可爱或者陪伴带主人公的开心。2.动物救人动物救人,情节情节:人遇难,动物奋不顾身去救,最后人感激(紧紧抱住它,流泪),从此不离开。3.人救动物人救动物,情节情节:动物通常是被抛弃,或濒临死亡,人带它去医院,或
19、悉心照顾,动物痊愈,对人表示感谢的行动,主题是:人救了动物,同时也是心灵上被它救了。还有一类是动物和人的冲突,这种以前浙江卷有不少,但后来不再有了。和谐相处爱爱抚抚动动物物1.With the bird in my cupped hand,I looked around to see how she had gotten in.2.At the sight of Allen,Mary unhesitatingly spread her wings and flew,chirping all the way,intoAllens cupped hand.His mother was right
20、after all:Mary always found her way back to Allens heart.3.Pleasantly surprised,I reached out my cupped hands expectantly.And sure enough,it gently settledinto my palms,lying on its back to reveal its snow white chest.4.I rubbed his face and he extended his pectoral fin.5.“Maya is so clever,”she utt
21、ered with pride,reaching into the bucket and throwing Maya anotherfish.6.Cradling the cat in her arms,Maria answered happily,“Lucky,because together we have found anew life.”动动物物的的可可爱爱相视不语:1.For a very long moment,this tiny creature looked into my eyes,turning her head fromside to side.Then she flew
22、 quickly out of sight.2.She again looked directly into my eyes,then let out a squeaking call and was gone.For a moment,all were speechless.似乎要说:3.It appeared out of nowhere and hovered above my head,as if to say,.欢快的动作:4.It flapped its wings,its tiny eyes darting back and forth.5.The happy dolphin d
23、ove to the bottom of the tank,and then leapt out of the water.闻闻声声1.Curiosity got the better of us,and we ventured towards the source of the sound.2.I looked around,and it was so quiet,with only the occasional sound of a frog croaking.动物救人危危险险Seized with panic,Margie rubbed her leg hard to relax the
24、 muscle but in vain.狗狗救救人人1.Seeing her struggling in the water,Onyx immediately swam to the side of Margie and then put herhead beneath the girls right arm.But much to my joy,with Margie tightly grabbing Onyxs collar,our little furry friend began digging deep,slicing through the water with her paws
25、and swimming fasttowards the bank with every ounce of strength.2.In a split second,a splash of brown,out of breath,quickly jumped into the lake.It was One-Eyed!Itbarked,swimming toward Danny with all its might.On spotting One-Eyed,Danny seemed to see a rayof hope,attempting to move towards it instan
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