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1、2010年真题PARTVIWRITING(45MIN) Recently newspapers have reported that officials in a little-known mountainous area characteristics or local cultural heritage. What is your view on this? Write an essay of about 400 words. You should supply an appropriate title for your essay.The important role of a city
2、s local conditions in the urban design Recently there is a hot debate on a report that a foreign design company invited by a little-known mountainous area in Guiyang provided a design without paying too much attention to the citys unique characteristics. Some people appreciate the bold innovation of
3、 the design but others do not like it. In my opinion, any urban design should take the citys original cultural heritage into account. The designers should suit their design to local conditions and try to take advantage of the local resources. First, a citys regional characteristics or local cultural
4、 heritage are its symbol, its identity. In a mountainous area, too many unconventional, super-futuristic buildings will not be compatible with the citys landscapes. Without these landscapes, it is just another so called modern city composed of concrete and steel. Take Beijing for example. In the pas
5、t few years, Beijing has been removing a large number of such alleys traditionally called hutong, in order to make it become a real international city. But without these hutongs can this city still be called Beijing, an ancient capital? The disappearance of hutongs means the disappearance of a perio
6、d of history, a cordial lifestyle, and even the disappearance of Beijing itself. Then Beijing will lose its uniqueness. Second, it can help a city save a lot of money by suiting the design to local conditions and try to take advantage of the local resources. This is especially important to small cit
7、ies, like this one in a mountainous area near Guiyang. We all know Guiyang is a developing city, not very rich. Unconventional, super-futuristic buildings mean large need of money input. Then more burdens may be added to this city, which will run counter to the citys original purpose of developing i
8、tself. Instead, if connections between a citys culture and the various urban sectors, including housing, infrastructure and governance, are well made, the maximum economic benefits will be achieved. Besides, the modernization should be a gradual process. More haste, less speed. Nonetheless, it shoul
9、d not be overlooked that the shortcomings of futuristic-style constructing outweigh its advantages brought. In conclusion, any urban design should take the citys original cultural heritage into account. The designers should suit their design to local conditions and try to take advantage of the local
10、 resources. A scientific city design should be dependent on the citys regional characteristics, on a case-by-case basis.2011年真题PARTVIWRITINGAccordingtoarecentnewspaperreport,manyfamoussitesof historicalinterestinChinahavebegunorareconsideringchargingtouristshigherentryfeesduringpeaktravelseasons.Thi
11、shasarousedalotofpublicattentionandalsopublicdebate.Whatisyouropinion?ShouldfamousChinesesitesofhistoricalinterestchargehigherfeesduringpeaktravelseasons?Writeanessayofabout400words.Youshouldsupplyanappropriatetitleforyouressay.Higher Entry Fees During Peak Travel Season In recent years, people in C
12、hina have more time and money to visit famous sites of historical interest, owing to longer holidays and higher incomes. These visits, on the one hand, can enrich their own life and bring the sites substantial incomes. On the other hand, too many visits, especially during travel peaks when there are
13、 more visitors, have caused huge problems in several aspects. In my opinion, one effective solution to this problem is to charge higher fees during peak travel seasons. For one reason, those who oppose higher fees have ignored the unique features of famous sites of historical interest. Different fro
14、m the common parks, the historical spots normally imply ample historical and cultural values. The relics in these spots are so precious and fragile that theyusuallyneedspecialandprofessionalpreservationandadministration,whichobviouslycostslargeamountsofmoney.Duringpeak travelseasons,evenmoretourists
15、payvisitstothehistoricalspots.Suchhugeamountofpeoplearrivingatonehistoricalspotmayprobablyleadtosomeunexpected damages.Facingthissituation,thereisnobettermeasurethanraisingtheentryfeestoreducethenumberoftouristsinpeakseasons.Theonlypurposeofcharginghigher entryfeesistostopsomepeoplesvisitsduringspec
16、ialseasonssoastoachievea betterprotectionofthevaluablerelics.Withhigherentryfees,somepeoplemay changetheirplansandgiveuptheirvisits.Hereeconomicmeansareappliedto conservepreciousthingsatthesitesofhistoricalinterestinanappropriateand sustainableway.Foranotherreason,higherfeeschargedmayeffectivelyredu
17、cethenumberof touristsvisitinghistoricalspotsinpeakseasons,whichisalsogoodtothesafetyofthetourists.Reportsontheaccidentshappeningtotouristsarenotnewtous. Especiallyduringpeakseasons,heavytrafficofpassengersposespotentialthreatsto thelifeoftourists.Furthermore,relaxationisalwaysanultimategoalfortouri
18、sts.Itisalmostimpossibleforanyonetoappreciateanythinginanovercrowdedspotwitha seaofpeoplearound.Anidealholidaymayevenberuinedbythehustleandbustleandendlesswaiting.Inshort,weneedtocontrolthenumberofvisitorsespeciallyduringthepeak travelseasons,toguaranteeasoundprotectionofhistoricalspotsaswellasthesa
19、fetyoftourists.Amongothers,higherentryfeesmaybeasimpleandeffectiveeconomicmeansofregulation,whichshouldbetakenintoaccountbytheauthorities.Asforthetourists,thismaynotbesobadasitsoundsWith social and economic development, our people have more time and money to visit famous sites of historical interest
20、. Their visits, on the one hand, can enrich their own life and meanwhile bring the sites substantial incomes. On the other hand, too many visits, especially during peak travel peak when there are more visitors, have caused huge problems. One solution to this is to charge higher fees during peak trav
21、el seasons, which I think is necessary and I am in complete favor of this decision.As we all know, today there is no entrance fee charged for many parks in our country while almost all famous sites of historical interest still need an entry fee. Some people can not accept this for they think that bo
22、th parks and famous sites of historical interest are part of public services. They should have free access to them or at least shouldnt pay too much for the visit since they have already paid taxes to the government. Then it is far impossible for those people to allow the sites to charge higher fees
23、 during peak travel seasons.On the surface, the arguments that people opposing to entry fees charged for famous sites of historical interest hold seem reasonable. But in fact, those people have ignored the unique features of famous sites of historical interest which normally imply ample historical a
24、nd cultural values. Those sites differ from common parks. The relics in these sites are precious and fragile to destroy, and usually need special and professional preservation and administration, which turn out to be an expensive exercise that constantly demands resources. Entry fees must be charged
25、. During peak travel seasons, there is no better measure than raising the entry fees to reduce the number of tourists. The purpose of charging higher fees is to stop some people visits so as to better protect the valuable relics and at the same time ensure the safety of the tourists. It is obvious t
26、hat some people will give up their visits considering the higher fees. Here economic means are applied to conserve precious things at the sites of historical interest in an appropriate and sustainable way.In a word, due to the unique features of relics and the need of the sustainable protection of s
27、ites of historical interest, we must control the number of visitors, especially during the peak travel seasons when there are too many tourists, to diminish the impact of human activities on these sites to its lowest level. And charging higher fees during the peak travel seasons, an effective econom
28、ic means of regulation will be of great importance.2012年真题PARTVIWRITING(45MIN)Arecentsurveyof2,000collegestudentsaskedabouttheirattitudestowardsphonecallsandtext-messaging(alsoknownasShortMessageService)andfoundthestudentsmaingoalwastopassalonginformationinaslittle time,withaslittlesmalltalk,aspossi
29、ble.Whattheylikemostabouttheirmobile devicesisthattheycanreachotherpeople,saysNaomiBaron,aprofessorof linguisticsatAmericanUniversityinWashington,D.C.,whoconductedthesurvey.Whattheylikeleastisthatotherpeoplecanreachthem.HowfardoyouagreewithProfessorBaron?Youshouldsupplyanappropriatetitleforyouressay
30、.MobilePhonesMakeStudentsLessHumaneRecently,aprofessorofAmericanUniversityconductedasurveyaboutcollege studentsattitudestowardsphonecallsandtextmessagingandfinally he concluded that what the students like most about their phones is that they can reach other people and what they like least is that ot
31、her people can reach them. This result is seemingly contradictory, but in fact, it faithfully portrays the dilemma faced by the students, who both aspire to and are fearful of communication. In my opinion, it is nothing but the very telephone itself that is largely responsible for making students le
32、ss humane by depriving them of their adaptive capacity and social acceptability. Originally speaking, adaptability of young people to new surroundings is one of their good qualities, but nowadays they would rather resort to old friends by phone calls and text messages than actively integrate into ne
33、w circumstances. It seems quite fortunate for the freshmen to have telephone contact with their old friends when they feel unaccustomed to the unfamiliarity around. Yet, the truth is that telephones provide a shelter for them to shy away from the new environment as well as taking away their opportun
34、ities to make new friends. Thus, unable to foster their adaptive capacity, many of the college students would probably fail to adapt to new working conditions once they step into society. Whats more, the short message makes the students unable to communicate well with others in the real world. As is
35、 known to all, the Short Message Service culture features ungrammatical structures and non-standard language, which totally differs from the oral expression, thusrenderingthephonefreakunabletocommunicatefluentlyinrealdailylife.On theotherhand,sincethestudentsdevelopahabitofnon-face-to-facecommunicat
36、ionbytelephone,theyarepronetosocialphobiabecauseofpoororalexpressionand blushingfacewhentheyareinarealsocialcontext.Consequently,itisnowonderthatmanystudentsturntotheirtelephoneswithanattempttoconcealtheirunnaturalnesswhentheyareatadinnertableorataparty.Inspiteofalltheadverseimpactcausedbythemobilep
37、hone,itisequallyunwise tosetalimitforthestudentsonphoneuse.Anyway,itisaprovenfactthatthemobilephoneplaysanimportantroleinourlife.Therefore,inordertoremovesuch embarrassingsituationamongthecollegestudents,theschoolauthoritiesshouldofferappropriateguideaboutphoneuseandcreateamorepositiveandharmonious
38、ambienceforthem,whichisalsobeneficialfortheirfuturedevelopment.2013年真题PARTVIWRITING(45MIN)Isoursocietyhostiletogoodpeople?Accordingtoa recentsurveybyChinaYouthDaily,76.1percentoftherespondentssaythatourcurrentsocietyprovidesa“badenvironment”forgoodpeopledoinggoodthings.Ontheotherhand,themoreoptimist
40、vironmentnecessaryforpeopletobegoodtoothers?Isasoundsocialenvironmentnecessaryforpeopletobegoodtoothers?AproverbsaysthatPresentarosetoothers,anditsfragranceremainsinyour hands.Despitethefactthathelpingothershasalwaysbeenatraditionalvirtuein China,peoplearenowbecomingreluctanttohelpthoseinneedforthef
41、earofbeing prosecutedforunintentionalinjuryorwrongfuldeath.Someblamethebadsocial environmentforitwhileothersbelievethesocialenvironmentshouldbenotstressedinviewofhelpingothers.SofarasIamconcerned,Idoholdthatasoundsocial environmentisquitenecessaryforpeopletobegoodtoothers.Butinthemeanwhile,weindivid
42、ualsshouldtakeinitiativestocreateaharmonioussociety,ratherthanwait forittoimprovepassively.Ontheonehand,asoundsocialenvironmentisnecessaryinthatitgivespeopleasenseofsecuritywhentheylendahelpinghand.Thepassionforhelpingothersneverbetraysus.Itisalackoflegalandmoraljusticethatpreventspeoplefromdoinggoo
43、dthings.Variousreportsarepermeatingthemassmediaabouthowgood-willedcitizensendupwithtroubleindoinggooddeeds,likethefamousPengYuCase.Touphold socialjusticeundersimilarsituations,asoundsocialenvironmentwithGoodSamaritanlawsisbadlyneededtoprotectthosewarm-heartedhelpers,whichcanfreethemfromworriesandris
44、kswhentheydeliverhelp.Inaddition,thesocialindifferenceisalsopartlyduetothelong-existedhoe-ones-own-potatoesdoctrine.Helpersare oftenleftisolatedandunsupported.Asoundsocialenvironmentthatpraiseshuman kindnessandtrustcanreducebystandershesitationtoassist,surelymakinghelpers betterprotected.Ontheotherh
45、and,itisfutiletowaitforthesocialenvironment to improve by itself. Just imagine how a house can be built if everybody waits idly for others to make a start. Since the society is composed of individuals, it is each individuals behavior that cultivates, protects and strengthens the social morality. The social environment would not be changed overnight without individual efforts. We had but one choice that we ourselves spare no effort in moral cultivation, protection and stre