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《2019年10月自考英语二真题及答案.docx》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《2019年10月自考英语二真题及答案.docx(8页珍藏版)》请在淘文阁 - 分享文档赚钱的网站上搜索。
1、2019年10月高等教育自学考试全国统一命题考试英语(二)试卷(课程代码:00015)本试卷共8页,满分100分,考试时间150分钟。考生答卷前必须将自己的姓名和准考证号写在答题卡上。必须在答题卡上答题,写在试卷上的答案无效。第一部分:阅读判断(第110题,每题1分,共10分)下面的短文后列出了 10个句子,请根据短文的内容对每个句子作出判断:如果 该句提供的是正确信息,选择A;如果该句提供的是错误信息,选择B;如果该句 的信息文中没有提及,选择C。在答题卡相应位置上将答案选项涂黑。To Lease (租赁)or Not to LeasePI ann i ng to I ease a car
2、because you dont th i nk you can afford to buy Th i nk aga i n. Leas i ng can end up be i ng just as expens i ve as buy i ng.Most peopIe th i nk about Ieas i ng because they be I i eve it wi I I cost them I ess money. They re right-it i s cheaper, but on I y i n the short term. For examp Ie, i f you
3、 were to I ease anewSubaru Forester,youmightpay $300per month for the car. If you were tobuy the same car,youwouIdpay about$400 per month. Over a three-year,you wouId save $3600-a b i gsav i ngs.But after your I ease i s over, youhave to give thecarback.Many peop I e want to I ease because they can
4、dr i ve a more expens i ve car than they might otherwi se be ab Ie to afford. For examp Ie, i f you spend $300 month I y on a car, you might be ab I e to I ease a new Ford Exp I orer. For the same pr i ce, you might have to buy a used Exp I orer, or buy a new but much I ess expens i ve mode I. A lea
5、se, therefore, a I I ows you to dr i ve the I atest mode Is of more expens i ve cars. However, whatever car you can afford to buy you get to keep i t, and i t wi I I a I ways have a rese I I or trade-in (以 新 I 日换)value i f you want to upgrade to a new car I ater.Furthermore, peop I e who I ease cars
6、 are often shocked by how much they must pay when the I ease i s over . Most I eases I imit you to a certa i n number of mi Ies. If you go over that, you must pay for each mi Ie. As a resuIt, you may end up pay i ng thousands of dol lars i n mileage(里程) fees. I n add i t i on, when you I ease , you
7、have to pay for reguI ar ma i ntenance and repa i rs to the veh i cIe. S i nee you must return the car final Iy, you are pay ing to repai r someone eIses car.By now, the benef i ts of buy i ng over Ieas i ng shouId be cI ear. Remember: whatever mode I you can afford to buy, i t i s yours after you m
8、ake the payments. There1s no giving back, and that makes a I I the d i fference. 1. PeopIe usuaI Iy th i nk Ieas i ng a car can save money.A. TrueB. Fa I seC. Not G i vena car costs I ess i n the I ong term.B. Fa I seC. Not G i venA. True3. More peopIe I i ke to I ease cars than before.A. TrueB. Fa
9、I seC Not G i ven4. PeopIe can I ease a car they cannot afford.A. TrueB. Fa I seC. Not G i venpeopIe prefer to I ease the Iatest mode Is of cars.A. TrueB. Fa I seC. Not G i ven6. Ford Exp Iorer i s the most popuI ar mode I i n the Ieas i ng market.A. TrueB. Fa I seC. Not G i ven7. PeopIe often pay m
10、ore than they expect for a I ease.A. True8. Fa I se9. Not G i venneed to pay for each mile they dr i ve dur i ng the I ease.A. TrueB. Fa I seC. Not G i ven9. Leas i ng compan i es pay for repa i rs to the I eased cars.A. TrueB. Fa I seC. Not G i venauthor adv i ses peopIe to buy an affordabIe car.A.
11、 TrueB. Fa I seC. Not G i ven第二部分:阅读选择(第1115题,每题2分,共10分)阅读下面短文,请从短文后所给各题的4个选项(A、B、C、D)中选出1个最佳 选项,并在答题卡相应位置上将该项涂黑。MentaI I I Iness Hits SmaI I Bus i ness Owners HardWhile there i s a growing focus on menta I hea I th i n the workp I ace, there are fewer resources and support ava i IabIe to those runn
12、 i ng sma I I bus i nesses.There are many reasons peop I e choose to have the i r own bus i ness be i ng the i r own boss, work i ng on someth i ng they I ove, be i ng ab I e to set the i r own hours, or hav i ng some contro I over whom they work w i th. Yet the rea I i ty many sma I I bus i ness ow
13、ners face i s far I ess attract i ve-f i nanc i a I stress, I ongwork i ng hours and uncI ear boundar i es between work and fami ly I ife. And a I I of these factors can have a huge impact on the i r mentaI heaI th. Leanne Fawkner i s a bus i ness owner of an award-wi nn i ng sk i n-care range (系 歹l
14、j产品)She knows very we I I the impact that a sma I I bus i ness can have on, the mentaI health of i ts owner. When her successfuI bus iness struggled due to the gIobaI f i nanc i a I crisis,she suffered aI ot mentaI Iy.Asbus i ness sI owed, I was more and moreaffected,shesays. I couIdntseparate myse
15、I 千 from my bus i ness. 11 was the worst exper i ence of my I i fe.I couId no Ionger go to work and wascry i ng a I Iday”Fawkner was d iagnosed with depress ion.She had totakesevera I monthsoffwork. Fortunate I y, her husband was ab I e to keep th i ngs go i ng wh i I e Fawkner was recover i ng. She
16、 saw a counse I or (咨询!)币)千or he I p and took part i n a workp I ace menta I hea I th promot i on program. Th i s program was des i gned for smaI I to med i um bus i ness owners.The stor i es on the DVD i n the program were so he I pfu I. I was cry i ng because I didnt fee I so a I one. For Fawkner,
17、 sma I I bus i ness owners are over I ooked. While empIoyees i n Iarger organ i zat i ons often have access to empIoyee ass i stance programs, smaI I bus i ness owners are strugg I i ng on the i r own. 11. One reason to have ones own bus i ness i s that one can have more A. flexible worki ng hours B
18、. support from others C. ava i IabIe resources D. I ife exper iencesmaI I bus i ness owner usuaI Iy hasA. a more co IorfuI I i feB. a b i gger prof i tC. I ess stress from workD. Ionger work i ng t ime13. Fawkners bus i ness ran i nto troubIe becauseA. i t was taken over by her husband B. she had a
19、ser i ous mentaI prob Iem C. i t was h i t by the f i nanc i a I crisis D. she started a-mentaI heaI th program 14. Fawkner didnt fee I so a I one because A. she had her fami Iy around B. she couId watch DVD at work C. others had s imi I ar exper i ences D. the counseI or was he IpfuI to her 15. Acc
20、ording to Fawkner, smaI I business owners need more A. f i nanc i a I a i d B. technicaI knowledge C. management skills D. mentaI heaI th ass i stance 第三部分:概括段落大意和补全句子(第16s25题,每题1分,共10分)阅读下面短文,请完成短文后的2项测试任务:(1)从第16s20题后所给的6 个选项中为第段每段选择1个正确的段落大意;(2)从第21s25题后所给 的6个选项中选择5个正确选项,分别完成每个句子。在答题卡相应位置上将答 案选项涂
21、黑。Secrets for a Happ i er YouSome peopIe are naturaI Iy bIessed with a cheerfuI character. They spread warmth and sunsh i ne wherever they go. They attract peopIe I i ke bees to honey. So what i s i t that makes these peopIe so d i fferent from others The most important secret to happ i ness i s to
22、be gratefu I for the good th i ngs i n your I i fe-whatever may be your f i nanc i a I pos i t i on. Instead of apprec i at i ng mater i a I wea I th, be thankfu I for the loved ones i n your I ife and enjoy the I ittIe pIeasures of I ife that come your way. The next i mportant secret i s to deveI o
23、p re I at i onsh i ps. Increas i ng soc i a I contacts he Ips boost bra i n power. Therefore, work towards i mprov i ng your re I at i onsh i ps and take t i me off to get i n touch with f r i ends. Th i s wi I I I i ft some burden off your shou I ders, espec i a I I y when you share your thoughts a
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- 2019 10 自考 英语 二真题 答案