JonathanMarks_2017X[莫娜 查拉比][甄别不可信统计数据的3种方法].pdf
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1、www.XiYuS锡育软件Twenty years ago,when I was a barrister and human rightslawyer in full-time legal practice in London,and the highestcourt in the land still convened,some would say by anaccident of history,in this building here,20 年前,我担任讼务律师和人权律师时,在伦敦从事全职的法律实务,英国最高法院依然在这里开庭;有人说这是因为历史上的一个意外;就在这一栋建筑里,00:1
2、2I met a young man who had just quit his job in the BritishForeign Office.我遇见了一个男生,他刚从英国外交部辞去工作。00:28When I asked him,Why did you leave,我问他:为什么你要离开?00:33he told me this story.他告诉我下面的故事。00:36He had gone to his boss one morning and said,Lets dosomething about human rights abuses in China.有一天早上,他问他的上司说
3、:我们可以为中国人权问题做点事吗?00:38And his boss had replied,We cant do anything abouthuman rights abuses in China because we have traderelations with China.他的上司回答他:我们无法为中国 人权问题做任何事,因为我们跟中国 有贸易的往来关系。00:46So my friend went away with his tail between his legs,and sixmonths later,he returned again to his boss,and he
4、 said thistime,Lets do something about human rights in Burma,所以我的朋友悻悻地离开,六个月以后他再去见他的上司,这次他这么说:让我们为缅甸(Burma)人权问题做点事好吗?00:54as it was then called.那时还是这么称呼这个国家。(现称Myanmar)01:06His boss once again paused and said,Oh,but we cant doanything about human rights in Burma because we donthave any trade relatio
5、ns with Burma.他的上司再次停下来,然后说:哦,可是我们没办法 为缅甸人权问题做任何事啊,因为我们跟缅甸没有 半点贸易关系。01:08barrister:n.律师;(加拿大)出庭律师(等于arrister-at-law);(英)(有资格出席高等法庭并辩护的)专门律师 full-time:adj.专职的;全日制的;全部时间的 convened:v.召集;集合;召唤(convene的过去分词形式)abuses:v.滥用;虐待;辱骂(abuse的三单形式)/n.滥用;虐待;暴行(abuse的复数)Burma:n.缅甸(东南亚国家)(Laughter)This was the moment
6、 he knew he had to leave.(笑声)当下那一刻,他了解他必须辞去工作了。01:18It wasnt just the hypocrisy that got to him.那不只是那种 假仁假义的感觉袭上他,01:21It was the unwillingness of his government to engage inconflict with other governments,intense discussions,all thewhile,innocent people were being harmed.而是他对于这个政府,不愿去与其他政府发生冲突,不愿意去
7、进行密切的商谈,才使他死了心。因为与此同时,无辜的人正在受到伤害。01:24We are constantly told that conflict is bad that compromiseis good;that conflict is bad but consensus is good;thatconflict is bad and collaboration is good.我们经常被告知:与人发生冲突是不好的,妥协才是好的;冲突是坏的,达成共识是好的;冲突是不对的,合作才是好的。01:37But in my view,thats far too simple a vision of
8、 the world.但是以我的观点来看,对与这个世界而言,这些话显得太单纯了。01:55We cannot know whether conflict is bad unless we know whois fighting,why they are fighting and how they are fighting.我们无从知道,冲突是否不好,除非我们了解是谁在奋斗,为什么他们要抗争,和他们如何抗战。01:59And compromises can be thoroughly rotten if they harmpeople who are not at the table,peopl
9、e who are vulnerable,disempowered,people whom we have an obligation toprotect.妥协可能会彻底腐败,假如它们伤害到 没有在谈判桌上的人,那些很脆弱和被剥夺权利的人;那些我们有义务去保护的人。02:10hypocrisy:n.虚伪;伪善 unwillingness:n.不愿意;不情愿 intense:adj.强烈的;紧张的;非常的;热情的 harmed:损害/伤害/免于伤害/将不受损害 compromise:vt.妥协;危害/vi.妥协;让步/n.妥协,和解;折衷 consensus:n.一致;舆论;合意collabor
10、ation:n.合作;勾结;通敌 compromises:n.妥协;和解;折中方案(compromise的复数)/v.妥协;折中(compromise的第三人称单数);退让 thoroughly:adv.彻底地,完全地 vulnerable:adj.易受攻击的,易受的攻击;易受伤害的;有弱点的disempowered:vt.剥夺(个人或团体)的选择与行动权;使失去重要性(或影响力等)(disempower的过去式)Now,you might be somewhat skeptical of a lawyer arguingabout the benefits of conflict and c
11、reating problems forcompromise,but I did also qualify as a mediator,and these现在你可能会对眼前 这位律师感到怀疑:他在这里谈论冲突的好处,向妥协发难,但是我的资格的确足够作为一个和事佬,最近我花了很多时间免费演讲,谈论自由和伦理道德的关系。02:24TED演讲者:Jonathan Marks|莫娜 查拉比:演讲标题:In praise of conflict|甄别不可信统计数据的3种方法内容概要:Conflict is bad;compromise,consensus and collaboration are go
12、od-or so we.retold.Lawyer and bioethicist Jonathan Marks challenges this conventional wisdom,showinghow governments can jeopardize public health,human rights and the environment when theypartner with industry.An important,timely reminder that common good and common groundare not the same thing.有时候很难
13、知道哪些统计数字是可信的,但我们也不能完全忽略这些数据正相反,我们要学会看到这些统计数字背后的东西。在这场愉轻松、有趣的演讲中,数据记者(data journalist)莫娜 查拉比分享了几点实用的建议,它将帮助你质疑、解释并且真正理解这些统计数字的含义。compromise,but I did also qualify as a mediator,and thesedays,I spend my time giving talks about ethics for free.讲,谈论自由和伦理道德的关系。02:24So as my bank manager likes to remind m
14、e,Im downwardlymobile.所以我的银行经理提醒我,说我是在向下沉沦。02:38But if you accept my argument,it should change not just theway we lead our personal lives,which I wish to put to oneside for the moment,but it will change the way we thinkabout major problems of public health and the environment.但是如果你接受我的论点,它不但可以改变 我们过
15、生活的方式 这个话题我暂时先把它放到一旁;也可以改变我们对于公卫和环境等 主要问题的思考方式。02:44Let me explain.让我解释一下。03:01Every middle schooler in the United States,my 12-year-olddaughter included,learns that there are three branches ofgovernment,the legislative,the executive and the judicialbranch.美国的每一位国中生,包括我 12 岁的女儿在内,都知道政府有三个分支,它们分别是立法部
16、门、行政部门和司法单位。03:04James Madison wrote,If there is any principle more sacredin our Constitution,and indeed in any free constitution,thanany other,it is that which separates the legislative,theexecutive and the judicial powers.詹姆斯麦迪逊在他的书中写到:在我们的宪法中,应该说是在任何自由的宪法中,如果有什么原则,比起其他原则更为神圣的话;就是那种将立法、行政、司法权,个别分开
17、独立出来的原则。03:17skeptical:adj.怀疑的;怀疑论的,不可知论的 mediator:n.调停者;传递者;中介物 ethics:n.伦理学;伦理观;道德标准 putto:v.应用;靠岸 legislative:adj.立法的;有立法权的/n.立法权;立法机构 judicial:adj.公正的,明断的;法庭的;审判上的sacred:adj.神的;神圣的;宗教的;庄严的Now,the framers were not just concerned about theconcentration and exercise of power.宪法制订者不只是关注 权力的集中和实行而已。0
18、3:35They also understood the perils of influence.他们也理解影响力的危险。03:43Judges cannot determine the constitutionality of laws if theyparticipate in making those laws,nor can they hold the otherbranches of government accountable if they collaboratewith them or enter into close relationships with them.法官不可以
19、决定法律本身是否合宪,假使法官本身参与制订法律的话;他们也无法对政府 其他分支机构进行追究,如果他们之间有合作关系,或是与他们建立密切的关系。03:48The Constitution is,as one famous scholar put it,aninvitation to struggle.宪法,正如一位 着名学者所说的,是一封斗争的邀请函。04:07And we the people are served when those branches do,indeed,struggle with each other.而老百姓是被影响的对象,假如那些政府机构 彼此之间互相对抗的话。04:
20、14Now,we recognize the importance of struggle not just in thepublic sector between our branches of government.我们理解斗争的重要性,不仅是在我们政府分支的公众部门而已,04:23We also know it too in the private sector,in relationshipsamong corporations.我们也知道在私人公司的部门之间,也存在同样问题。04:32framers:n.制宪者;筹划者(framer的复数)perils:n.事故;风险(peril的复
21、数)/v.冒险;置于危险中(peril的第三人称单数)constitutionality:n.符合宪法;立宪 participate in:参加;分享 accountable:adj.有责任的;有解释义务的;可解释的collaborate:vi.合作;勾结,通敌 enter into:进入;讨论;成为的一部分;研讨;分享;体谅 corporations:n.贸易公司,经企业(corporation的复数形式)Lets imagine that two American airlines get together andagree that they will not drop the pric
22、e of their economy classairfares below 250 dollars a ticket.让我们想像一下,如果两家美国航空公司集合在一起,彼此同意不要把经济舱的机票 价格降到每张250 美元以下,04:39That is collaboration,some would say collusion,notcompetition,and we the people are harmed because we paymore for our tickets.那就是合作,有人把它称之为共谋,而不是竞争,那么遭殃的是大家,因为我们要付出 更高的价格来买机票。04:51Im
23、agine similarly two airlines were to say,Look,Airline A,well take the route from LA to Chicago,假想一下,同样的 两家航空公司如果这样说:航空公司甲,我们想飞 洛杉矶到芝加哥的航线。05:02and Airline B says,Well take the route from Chicago to DC,and we wont compete.然后航空公司乙说:那么我们就不用互相竞争了。05:09Once again,thats collaboration or collusion instead
24、ofcompetition,and we the people are harmed.这同样也是一种合作或共谋,而不是竞争,受到伤害的还是大家。05:14So we understand the importance of struggle when it comesto relationships between branches of government,the publicsector.就政府公众部门之间的关系而论,我们知道抗争的重要性。就私人公司各单位之间的关系而论,05:23We also understand the importance of conflict when it
25、comesto relationships among corporations,the private sector.我们也知道冲突的重要性。但是我们忽略的是,公家单位与私营企業之间的关系。05:36But where we have forgotten it is in the relationshipsbetween the public and the private.但是我们忽略的是,公家单位与私营企業之间的关系。05:46get together:聚会;聚集;收集;积累 airfares:飞机票价(airfare的名词复数)collusion:n.勾结;共谋And governme
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- 莫娜 查拉比 甄别不可信统计数据的3种方法 JonathanMarks_2017X莫娜 查拉比甄别不可信统计数据的3种方法 JonathanMarks_2017X 莫娜 甄别 不可信 统计数据