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1、21. This passage deals with two sides of failure. In paragraph 1, the author talks mainly about A. the value of failureB. how people would failC. famous failuresD. the cause of failure22. The underlined phrase made it ” means .A. succeeded B. failedC. gaveD. got23. The lesson the spider taught Rober
2、t Bruce seems A. product B. straight forward C. sorrowful D. deep24. The author tells you to do all things except A. to think about the cause of your failureB. to check out whether your goals are right for youC. to consider failure as a part of lifeD. to bear in mind that you will never fail in your
3、 life25. Which of the following is NOT true?A. Bruce and Edison were successful examples.B. Failure may be regarded as a way toward success.C. Edison learned a lot from the lesson the spider taught Robert Bruce.D. One may often raise a question whether his goals are worth attemptingPassage TwoWhile
4、the private schools may be charging too much, some of the publics are risking their futures by charging too little. Low tuition is fine, as the state assigns enough money to education, as has generally been the case in Texas and California. But for years, New Jersey s legendary resistance to taxes c
5、ondemned Rutgers University to second-class status. Of what real worth is a low-tuition policy,“ wrote Rutgers former president, the late Edward Bloustein, “If it dooms students to an education below the quality they want and require?”New York State s students might ask themselves the same. A series
6、 of protests pressured Governor Maria Cuomo into canceling a $200 rise in tuition last year (prices havent gone up since 1983). And what s the result? Greatly-reduced budgets, shabby campuses, course restrictions, limited library hors and various new student fees.The irony of New York and other stat
7、e systems is that the percentage of higher-income students they serve is increasing at a phenomenal rate, says Arthur Hauptman of the American Council on Education. Given this changing population, more states should start playing the Robin Hood game increasing their sticker price, discounting rates
8、to low-income students and using the rest of the money to raise the quality of their schools.The middle-class melt and the betterment of public universities are still in their very earliest stages. But these trends will intensify as the children of the burdened boomers reach college age. For the aca
9、demics, it s a wake-up call. In the next century, they 11 have to be affordable and good.26. According to some critics, the low-tuition policy of public universities might lead toA. the middle-class meltB. a credit crisisC. a declinein the quality of education D. the enrollment of second-class stude
10、nts27. Public universities reduce the tuition becauseA. they yield to the pressure of protesters B. they get contributions from the richC. they get enough money from the stateD. they try to give lower-income students an opportunity28. It can be inferred from the passage that.A. private universities
11、will join in the thrice competitionB. public universities have to withdraw from the price competitionC. rich students find ways of paying less by taking the advantage of the policyD. rich students should be entitled to equal opportunities as poor students29. In order to maintain their high quality a
12、t the stone time of opening the floor to low-income students, public universities have toA. enlist their students for some voluntary jobsB. exert long-term effort to improve themselvesC. count upon the financial support from the governmentD. increase the proportion of rich students and charge more f
13、rom them 30. This passage is mainly about .A. the Robin Hood gameB. ways of paying less for college educationC. difficult situation of public universitiesD. financial aid to lowerincome studentsPart IV : Translation (20%)Section A: Translate the following Chinese into English (15%)31.我们得赶快,要不就会赶不上车了
14、。32.这支钢笔花了我不到两美元。33.我每天需要20分钟读英语。34.她已经够上学的年龄了 35.中国决不会第一个使用核武器。Section B: Translate the following English into Chinese (5%)We have only to look behind us to get some sense of what may lie ahead. No one looking behind ahead 20 years possibly could have foreseen the ways in which a single invention,
15、the chips would transform our world thanks to its applications in personal computers, digital communications and factory robots. Tomorrows achievements in biotechnology, artificial intelligence or even some still unimagined technology could produce a similar wave of dramatic changes. But one thing i
16、s certain: information and knowledge will become even more vital, and the people who possess it, whether they work in manufacturing or services, will have the advantage and produce the wealth. If you cast your mind ahead 10 years, information services will be predominant. It will be the way you do y
17、our job.一、单项选择题(每小题1分,共10分)1 . B 2. A 3. D 4. C 5. A 6. C 7. D 8. D 9. B 10. C二、多项选择题(错选、多选、漏选均不得分。每小题2分,共12分)2 . ABDE2. BCE 3. BCE 4. ABD 5.BCDE6. ABCDE三、简答题(每小题6分,共18分)3 .现代教育制度发展的趋势表现在哪几个方面?(1)加强学前教育并重视与小学教育的衔接。(2)强化普及义务教育,延长义务教育年限。(3)普通教育与职业教育逐步相互渗透。(4)高等教育的类型日益多样化。(5)学历教育与非学历教育的界限逐渐淡化。(6)教育制度有利
18、于国际交流。4 .简述中国新一轮基础教育课程评价改革的特点。(1)淡化甄别与选拔功能,注重学生的全面发展,实现课程功能的转化。(2)突出学生的主体地位,倡导多主体参与评价。(3)强调评价标准与内容的多元化,关注情感、态度、价值观的评价。(4)强调质性评价,采用多样化的评价方法。(5)强调终结性评价与形成性评价相结合,实现评价重心的转移。5 .什么是启发性原则?贯彻该原则的基本要求是什么?启发性原则,是指在教学中教师要承认学生是学习的主体,注意调动她们 的学习主动性,引导她们独立思考,积极探索,生动活泼地学习,自觉地掌握 科学知识和提高分析问题、解决问题的能力。贯彻该原则的基本要求有:(1)教师
19、要掌握和运用好“启发”的条件和关(2)启发学生独立思考,发展学生的逻辑思维能力。(3)让学生动手,培养独立解决问题的能力。(4)建立新型的尊师爱生的关系,发扬教学民主。四、论述题(10分)个体身心发展的规律有哪些?学校教育如何适应这些规律,促进个体身心 全面和谐地发展?(1)个体身心发展的顺序性。个体的身心发展是一个由低级到高级、由简 单到复杂、由量变到质变的连续不断的发展过程。在这一发展过程中,其整个 身心发展具有一定的顺序性。这就要求教育工作要循序渐进,一切知识技能的 传授、智力的发展、体质的增强、思想品德的培养,都要遵循由具体到抽象、 由浅入深、由简到繁、由低到高的顺序,既不能拔苗助长,
20、也不要压抑学生的 发展。(2)个体身心发展的阶段性。个体在不同的阶段表现出身心发展的总体特征及主要矛盾,面临着不同的发展任务,这就是身心发展的阶段性。前后相邻 的阶段进行着有规律的更替,在前一个阶段内准备了向后一个阶段的过渡。每 一发展阶段,经历着一定的时间,在这一阶段内,其身心发展主要表现为数量 的变化,经过一个时期,这种发展就由量变到质变,从而使其身心发展推进到 一个崭新的阶段。这就要求教育工作必须根据不同年龄阶段的特点分阶段地进 行,在教育教学的要求、内容和方法上不能搞“一刀切”,也不能人为地将各 个阶段截然分开,要注意各阶段的衔接和引渡工作。(3)个体身心发展的不平衡性。个体身心发展的
21、进程不总是以相等的速度直线发展的,而是时而猛长、时而缓慢,在发展过程中表现出一种不平衡性。因此,教育教学工作要抓住关键期,以求在最短的时间内取得最好的效果。(4)个体身心发展的互补性。互补性反映个体身心发展各组成部分的相互 关系。从生理方面来看,如果机体某一方面的机能受损甚至缺失以后,能够经 过其它方面的超常发展得到部分补偿。因此,教育者要能够面向全体学生,特 别是生理或心理机能发生障碍、学业成绩落后的学生,帮助她们树立起坚定的 信心。还要掌握科学的教育方法,特别是要善于发现她们的优势,做到扬长避 短。(5)个体身心发展的个别差异性。由于性别、遗传素质、环境、教育、主观努力等方面的不同,导致个
22、体之间必然会出现一定的差异性。在教育工作中, 教育者不但要认识学生发展的共同特征,还应充分重视每个学生的个别差异, 做到因材施教,有的放矢。教育心理学部分(50分)一、单项选择题(每小题1分,共10分)1. A 2. D 3. A 4. D 5. D 6. C 7. C 8.B 9. A 10. A二、多项选择题(每小题2分,共12分,错选、多选、漏选均不得分)1. ABC 2. ABCD 3. ABCD 4. ACDE5.BCDE6. ABD三、简答题(每小题6分,共18分)1 .影响学习动机形成的因素主要有内部因素和外部因素:(1)内部因素主要包括:学生的自身需要与目标结构;成熟与年龄特点
23、; 学生的性格特征和个别差异;学生学习准备;学生的焦虑程度等;.(2)外部因素经过内因而起作用。 度、课堂心理气氛、环境因素等。具体而言,外部因素主要包括:教师态2 .学校心理辅导的原则有:(1)面向全体学生原则;(3)尊重与理解学生原则;(2)发展性原则;(4)尊重学生主体性原则;(5)因材施教原则;(6)整体性发展原则。3 .教育心理学的实践作用具体表现在以下几个方面:(1)帮助教师准确地了解问题;(2)为实际教学提供科学的理论指导;(3)帮助教师预测并干预学生;(4)帮助教师结合实际教学进行研究;四、论述题(10分)迁移是普遍的,迁移的表现形式是多种多样的,根据不同的标准能够对迁 移作多
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