JeanneGang_2016W[珍妮 .甘][融合大自然和都市的建筑物].pdf
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1、www.XiYuS锡育软件Im a relationship builder.我是一位关系缔造者。00:12When you think of a relationship builder,dont you justautomatically think architect?当你想到这个词,你第一时间会不会想到建筑师?00:15Probably not.可能不会吧。00:19Thats because most people think architects design buildingsand cities,but what we really design are relationshi
2、ps,because cities are about people.因为一般人认为,建筑师只会设计大楼或城市而已。但我们实际上设计的就是关系。因为城市离不开人,00:22Theyre places where people come together for all kinds ofexchange.是人们相聚做各种交换的地方。00:31And besides,skylines are highly specific urban habitats withtheir own insects,plants and animals,and even their ownweather.此外,天际线
3、能反映出城市特有的居住生活型态,独特的昆虫、植物和动物,甚至城市本身的气候。00:34But today,urban habitats are out of balance.但时至今日,城市的居住环境已失去平衡。00:42Climate change,together with political and economictroubles,are having an impact;theyre adding up andstressing out cities and us,the people who live in them.全球的气候变化,伴随政治和经济问题,正在冲击着我们的城市;它们凝
4、聚了庞大的压力堆迭在城市和我们,这些居住在城市里的居民身上。00:45For me,the field of ecology has provided important insight,because ecologists dont just look at individual species ontheir own,they look at the relationships between livingthings and their environment.对我而言,生态学正好提供了我一个重要的设计感悟,因为生态学本身不会只关注单一生物,而是关注生态体系内所有的生物 以及周遭环境彼此
5、间的关系。00:57builder:n.建筑者;建立者 automatically:adv.自动地;机械地;无意识地/adj.不经思索的 skylines:n.地平线;空中轮廓线;架空索/vt.天空映衬出的轮廓 habitats:n.生态栖息地;(动植物的)经产地(habitat的复数形式)stressing:强调/加压(stress的现在分词)ecology:n.生态学;社会生态学 ecologists:n.生态学家(ecologist的复数)They look at how all the diverse parts of the ecosystem areinterconnected,a
6、nd its actually this balance,this web of life,that sustains life.它们会关注生态体系内所有不同物种间的连结关系,而实际上,均衡的生命网络,才是永续生命的关键。01:10My team and I have been applying insights from ecology toarchitecture to see how physical space can help buildstronger relationships.我和我的团队已经将生态学的观察应用在建筑上,用它来观察实体空间要如何设计才能协助我们强化关系。01:1
7、9The projects Im going to show you today use the idea ofbuilding relationships as the key driver for design.我今天要介绍的项目 都是以强化关系为设计主轴的一些项目。01:28Heres an example of what I mean.这个案例可以传达我要表达的概念:01:34Recently,we were asked to design a center for social justiceleadership called the Arcus Center.最近我们被应邀设计一个
8、社会正义领导中心,叫做阿克斯中心(Arcus Center);01:36They asked us for a building that could break downtraditional barriers between different groups and in doingso,create possibilities for meaningful conversations aroundsocial justice.他们要求我们设计一个能打破不同族群间 传统隔阂的建筑物,从而促进各方坦率交流 有关社会正义的话题。01:43The students wanted a place
9、for cultural exchange.学生们要求一个有助于文化交流的地方,01:54diverse:adj.不同的;多种多样的;变化多的 ecosystem:n.生态系统 interconnected:adj.连通的;有联系的/v.互相连接(interconnect的过去式)sustains:v.支撑(sustain的第三人称单数);保持;遭受(损失等);支援 insights:n.洞察力;眼力;深刻见解(insight的复数)Arcus:n.气象弧状云 break down:分解;发生故障;失败;毁掉;制服 barriers:n.障碍;栅栏;篱笆墙(barrier的复数形式)They
10、thought a place for preparing food together could dothat.他们认为一个共用厨房能达成这个目的;01:56And they wanted to be welcoming to the outsidecommunity.他们也希望这栋建筑物也能受到外地居民的欢迎。02:00They thought a fireplace could draw people in and help startconversations.他们认为壁炉可以吸引他们进来,并成为他们引发谈论的话题之一。02:03TED演讲者:Jeanne Gang|珍妮.甘演讲标题:
11、Buildings that blend nature and city|融合大自然和都市的建筑物内容概要:A skyscraper that channels the breeze.a building that creates community around ahearth.Jeanne Gang uses architecture to build relationships.In this engaging tour of herwork,Gang invites us into buildings large and small,from a surprising local co
12、mmunity centerto a landmark Chicago skyscraper.Through architecture,we can do much more than createbuildings,she says.We can help steady this planet we all share.一栋能导引风向的摩天大楼.一座利用壁炉融合社区的建筑.珍妮.甘(Jeanne Gang)利用建筑设计改善了人与万物之间的关系。在这场精彩的演讲当中,甘邀请我们进入她各式各样的建筑杰作,从令人赞叹的社区会议中心,到芝加哥地标性的住宅摩天大楼。她说:“通过建筑设计,我们可以创造出
13、比建造大楼本身更多的东西,我们可以帮助我们的地球可持续发展。”And everybody wanted the work of social justice to be visibleto the outside world.最终所有人都希望世界各地都能看到 他们社会正义项目的成果。02:09There really wasnt a precedent for this kind of space,so welooked around the globe and found examples of communitymeeting houses.这类的建筑没有先例可循,于是我们到世界各地 搜寻
14、社区会议房屋的范例,02:15Community meeting houses are places where theres veryspecific relationships between people,like this one in Mali,where the elders gather.有些社区会议房屋的空间氛围 在呈现人际关系上有着相当鲜明的特点,像在马里的这个地方,这里是长者聚会的地方,02:22The low roof keeps everybody seated and at equal eye level.低楼板的设计迫使每个人只能坐着平视彼此。02:32Its ve
15、ry egalitarian.它充满了平等主义的色彩。02:35I mean,you cant stand up and take over the meeting.我的意思是,你不能站起来主导会议,02:37Youd actually bump your head.站起来头就会撞到屋顶了。02:39(Laughter)In meeting houses,theres always a central spacewhere you can sit around a circle and see each other.在会议房屋中都有一个中央空间,可以让大家围坐成一圈,互相对望。02:41fir
16、eplace:n.壁炉 precedent:n.先例;前例/adj.在前的;在先的 elders:n.长老;尊长(elder的复数)egalitarian:adj.平等主义的/n.平等主义;平等主义者 stand up:v.站起来;坚持;竖立;站得住脚;拥护 sit around:无所事事So we designed a space just like that right in the middle ofthe Arcus Center,and we anchored it with a fireplace and akitchen.所以我们在阿克斯中心的正中央,设计出了同样的空间,并把壁炉
17、和厨房固定在中央空间中。02:48Its pretty hard to get a kitchen and a fireplace in a buildinglike this with the building codes,but it was so important tothe concept,we got it done.可是依建筑条例,要将壁炉和厨房设计到这栋建筑中 是很困难的,但它是这栋建筑物的灵魂,我们最后实现了。02:55And now the central space works for big social gatheringsand a place to meet on
18、e-on-one for the very first time.现在的中央空间提供了大型聚会 以及初次会面时,可单独谈话的地方,03:03Its almost like this three-way intersection that encouragesbumping into people and starting a conversation.它像个三叉路口,鼓励人们不期而遇,进而交谈。03:10Now you can always pass the kitchen and see somethinggoing on.所以每当你走过厨房时,一定可以看到正在进行的活动,03:16You
19、can sit by the fireplace and share stories.你可选择坐在壁炉前分享故事,03:19You can study together in big groups or in small ones,because the architecture sets up these opportunities.或者跟大伙儿或几个人一起研讨,因为建筑物的布局提供了这样的机会。03:23Even the construction is about building relationships.甚至在建造的过程中也隐含着建立关系的意义:03:31anchored:adj.固
20、定的;抛锚的/v.固定;抛锚;主持(anchor的过去分词)gatherings:n.聚会(gathering的复数)one-on-one:adj.一对一的;直接对立的/adv.一对一;面对面/n.一对一的比赛 three-way:adj.三向的;有三人参加的 intersection:n.交叉;十字路口;交集;交叉点 bumping:n.分化暴沸;机锤击;造成凹凸/v.碰撞;使撞击(bump的ing形式);颠簸地行驶 sit by:坐视不管,无动于衷Its made of cordwood masonry,which is using logs the wayyou would use br
21、icks.它是积木式的木块堆叠而成的建筑物,用一块块木头像砖块般堆叠起来的。03:34Its super low-tech and easy to do and anyone can do it and thats the entire point.技术水平要求不高,任何人都会做,这也是设计的原意。03:39The act of making is a social activity.建造的过程本身就是一种社会运动。03:43And its good for the planet,too:the trees absorbed carbonwhen they were growing up,an
22、d they gave off oxygen,andnow that carbon is trapped inside the walls and its not beingreleased into the atmosphere.这样的建筑方式对我们的地球也是友善的:树木在成长时吸二氧化碳,吐出氧气。现在,这些碳留存在墙壁中,而不是释放到大气层中,03:48So making the walls is equivalent to taking cars right off theroad.所以选用木头为建材等同于减少汽车污染。04:01We chose the building method
23、 because it connects people toeach other and to the environment.我们会选用这样的建造方式,是因为它能联系人与人,和人与大自然。04:06But is it working?但这样有效吗?04:13Is it creating relationships and nurturing them?它能创造并增进关系吗?04:14How can we know?我们如何证实?04:16Well,more and more people are coming here,for one,and asa result of the firesi
24、de chats and a full calendar ofprogramming,people are applying for the ArcusFellowships.第一,越来越多人来阿克斯中心;还有,得力于壁炉前交流的魅力,以及全年度丰富的活动安排,吸引了很多人申请成为阿克斯会员。04:18masonry:n.石工;石工行业;石造建筑 low-tech:adj.低技术的 absorbed:adj.被吸收的;一心一意的/v.吸收;使全神贯注(absorb的过去分词形式)equivalent:adj.等价的,相等的;同意义的/n.等价物,相等物 nurturing:v.培育;养育;培植
25、(nurture的现在分词)/n.培育;养育 as a result:结果 fireside:n.炉边;家庭/adj.炉边的;非正式的 chats:n.聊天(chat的复数);矿山废石/v.闲谈(chat的第三人称单数形式)Fellowships:n.奖学金(fellowship的复数)/v.成为成员(fellowship的单三形式)In fact,applications have increased tenfold for the ArcusFellowship since the building opened.事实上,申请书的数量从开放那天到现在 已增加了十倍。04:28Its wor
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- 珍妮 .甘 融合大自然和都市的建筑物 JeanneGang_2016W珍妮 .甘融合大自然和都市的建筑物 JeanneGang_2016W 珍妮 融合 大自然 都市 建筑物